Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

25th February 1719

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17190225-22

Elizabeth Stiff proceedingsdefend and John Beal proceedingsdefend , were indicted for stealing 34 yards of Ribbon value 16 s. on the 4 th of February last. Aaron Harding < no role > deposed the Prisoners came to his Shop and bought 2 yards of Ribbon, and went away; and when they were gone he mist his Goods; but going after them was inform'd which way they went, and overtook the Man, and carrying him along they met the Woman coming out of a Chandlers Shop where she had been to buy Cheese, with the Cheese and her Riding hood in her Lap , though she had it on when she went to the Prosecutors Shop, but he suspecting her buying of Cheese was only a pretence, went in, and searching found 2 pieces of Ribbon in the Chandlers Shop behind the Door, which he own'd She confessed it before the Justice, which Confession was read in Court. The Evidence not reaching the Man, he was acquitted , and she found Guilty to the value of 4 s.10 d. Transportation .

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