Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th June 1717

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17170606-12

Abigail Holland proceedingsdefend of London, was indicted for privately stealing 1 s.6 d. from the Person of Francis Pits proceedingsvictim the 17th of May last. The Prosecutor deposed that having been abroad, he came home to his house in Fenchurch-Street , and having knocked at his door, stood leaning against a post till some body came to let him in, and that there the Prisoner came up to him, and fell a hugging of him, and pick'd his pocket of the money, whereupon he apprehended her. The Prisoner pleaded in her defence, that the Prosecutor asked her to drink, which she refused, but he urged her, telling her it would be for her advantage, and that he had indeed been a naughty boy to day, but he would needs drink with her; but she did not consent, but went her way; but he followed her, bitting her, on the neck, and she taking him for a mad man, ran from him, and took into a Paltry-cook's Shop; but he, because she would not consent to go with him, charged her with picking his pocket. Upon the whole, the Jury acquitted her.

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