Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

27th February 1712

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17120227-26

Mary Blake proceedingsdefend and Richard Cecil proceedingsdefend of the Parish of St. Botolph Aldersgate , were indicted for stealing out of the House of Francis Oliver proceedingsvictim on the 17th of February , 1 Sheet, 2 Napkins, 8 Shirts and Shifts, and divers other Linnen . Mrs. Oliver swears, That about 7 a Clock in the Evening she went out and latch'd the Door; and coming in again presently, found it open, and the Goods gone; and that upon search, some of the Goods were found in a Trunk at Blake's House, and one of the Shifts upon her Back. She said in her Defence, that she bought 'em of an Earthen-ware Woman, but had no Witness; whereupon she was found Guilty : But the Evidence not being sufficient against Cecil, he was acquitted .

[Branding. See summary.]

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