Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

24th February 1697

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16970224-44

Pierce Roe proceedingsdefend , was Indicted for a Misdemeanor, for procuring the Escape of Sir James Montgomery < no role > , who was committed to the Custody of one Sutton the King's Messenger . It appeared that Sir James Montgomery was committed to the Custody of Sutton by a Warrant from Secretary Trenchard; and the Prisoner procured the Evidence to go and Bribe the Sentinels; and accordingly gave him Ten pound and told him what a great piece of service it would be for King James if he could effect it, and that he should not want for Silver and Gold, and he would make him a Lieutenant; and accordingly he went and Bribed the Soldiers, who let him Escape. The Fact was fully proved against him; the Jury found him Guilty .

[Fine. See summary.]

[Provide sureties for good behaviour. See summary.]

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