<div1 type="smdssetRecord" id="smdsset_22_2245"> <interp inst="smdsset_22_2245" type="after" value="17351022"></interp>
<interp inst="smdsset_22_2245" type="before" value="17351022"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">2245</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">George Horton aged about ten years (in the Workhouse) Saith his Father John Haughton who was a Drummer in the first Regiment of ffoot Guards and kept House in Castle Street behind Long Acre in this Parish Seveteen Years but of yearly Rent he never heard or whether he paid any Parish Taxes dyed about four Months ago and his Mother is since gone to Service and that he was born in the same house and never bound an Apprentice</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">F5027</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">George</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"> <rs type="persName" id="persNamesmdsset_22_2245">Horton</rs>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_22_2245" type="given" value="George"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_22_2245" type="surname" value="Horton"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_22_2245" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_22_2245" type="age" value="10"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">male</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">10</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">22/10/1735</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">290</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">unsigned/unmarked </div2>

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