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<p>A Water that perfectly cures the ITCH, or Itching Humour in any Part of the Body, in a short Time, having no offensive Scent: Prepared and Sold only by A. Downing, Chymist, at the Crown and Ball in George-Court in St. John's-Lane, near Hicks's-Hall. Price One Shilling the Bottle. Also the true Essence or Spirits of Scurvy-Grass, both Purging and Plain, most Excellent for all Degrees of the Scurvy, at Eight Pence the Bottle. And the great Elixir of Life, call'd Daffy's Elixir, truly prepar'd, so very useful in all Families in the greatest Exigencies. Price Two Shillings and Six Pence the Half-pint.</p>

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