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<p>THE Original Water that perfectly cures the Itch, or any Itching Humour in a few Days, without necessity of Parging, or the dangerous Use of Mercury, Price 1 s.6 d. is only Prepared and Sold by A. Downing Chymist, at the Crown and Ball in George Court in St. John's Lane near Hicks's Hall. Where also may be had, the best spirits of Scurvy-Grass, by Wholesale or Retale at 8 d. a Bottle. A most effectual Remedy for the Violent Pain in the Teeth, Price 1 s, Also a most excellent Remedy for preserving the Teeth and clearing them from the Scurvy, Price 2 s.</p>
<p>The following Books are given Gratis.</p>
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<p>without Temple Bar. At Mr. Cowpers Toyshop the Corner of Charles Court by Hungerford-Market in the Strand. And at Mrs. Garraway's Shop at the King Arms at the Royal Exchange-Gate next Cornhill.</p>
<p>Some BOOKS printed for and said by <rs type="persName" id="a17190708-1-person366"> <interp inst="a17190708-1-person366" type="role" value=""></interp>
Edmund Parker <interp inst="a17190708-1-person366" type="surname" value="Parker"></interp>
<interp inst="a17190708-1-person366" type="given" value="Edmund"></interp>
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as the Bible and Crown in Lombard Street, near Stocks-Market.</p>
<p>THE London New Method and Art of Teaching Children to Spell and Read; so as they may, without the Help of any other Books; read the Bible in less than twelve Months. Note, This Way of Teaching is approved by most School Masters as the best. Price bound 6 d. with great Allowance to those who sell or give them away. Note, There are some printed on Fine Paper, bound up with Cuts. pr.8 d.</p>
<p>The Benefit of Early Piety, recommended to all Young Persons. By W. Smythies, late Morning Lecturer of St. Michael in Cornhil, London. The Third Edition. Price bound 6 d.</p>
<p>For the Compleating of Psalmody. The Devout Singer's Guide; cantaining all the Common Tunes now in Use, with Select portions of the psalons adapted to each Tone, and Rules for singing Treble and Bass. To which is added, A Table shewing at one View what Psalms and Hymns are proper to each Tune both in the Old Version of Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Sternhold, and in the New Version of Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate. And Directions for Parish Clerks in the Choice of proper Plams on most Occasions. B.S.Sbenton; and Recommended by P.Joynson, D. Warner, and other Singing-Masters. The Fourth Edition; to which is added Five Tunes, containing their Canses, Medies and Basses, not in the former Editions. Price bound 1 s.</p>
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<interp inst="a17190708-1-person367" type="given" value="John"></interp>
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, Writing-Master, Price bound 1 s.</p>
<p>Maximum in Minimo: Or. Mr. <rs type="persName" id="a17190708-1-person368"> <interp inst="a17190708-1-person368" type="role" value=""></interp>
Jeremiah Rich <interp inst="a17190708-1-person368" type="surname" value="Rich"></interp>
<interp inst="a17190708-1-person368" type="given" value="Jeremiah"></interp>
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Samuel Botley <interp inst="a17190708-1-person369" type="surname" value="Botley"></interp>
<interp inst="a17190708-1-person369" type="given" value="Samuel"></interp>
<interp inst="a17190708-1-person369" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
. The whole coriously engrav'd on Thirty Copper Plates. Pr.1 s.6 d.</p>
<p>A Guide to English Juries: Setting for their Antiquity, Power and Duty, from the Common Law and Statutes. With a Table. By a Person of Quality. Also a Letter to the Author upon the same Subject. Price 1 s.</p>
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<p>At the Red Ball in Queen-Street, Cheapside, over against the Globe-Ale-House, a little distant from the Three-Cranes.</p>
<p>LIveth a Gentlewoman, that hath a most incomparable wash to beautify the Face, which far exceeds all that are extant, as abuedance of the greatest Quality have found, by Experience to their great Satisfaction. It takes out all manner of Wrlinkles, Freckles, Bimples, reduess, Morphew; Sunburo, Yellowness, cansed by Mercurial poisonous washes: It also plumps and softens the skin, making it as smooth, and tender as a sucking Child's; the young it keeps always so, and the Old it makes appear fair and young to admiration: It has nothing of paint in it, neither doth any Person know the Secret; you may from half a Crown to 5 l. a bettle. You may have pomatums, white pots, the like not to be compared with; also fine Spanish, Woal, and Portugal Dishes, which gives a glorious Colour to the Cheeks and Lips, a powder for the teeth, which makes them as white as snow; she bath a most excellent Secret to prevent Hair from falling, causing it to grow where it is wanting; she alters red or grey hair to a delicate light or brown, in a few Days, which will never change; she bath a delicate paste to and makes them beautiful; the bath a delicate paste to whiten the Hands, and a red pomatum to colour the Lips, and prevent their chopping in the Winter; she has a cortain and infallible core for the Tooth-ach without drawing, that the paig will never return; she cuts Hair very fine. At Night a light hanging in the Entry.</p>

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