<div1 type="advertisements" id="a17150114-1"> <interp inst="a17150114-1" type="collection" value="BAILEY"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1" type="uri" value="sessionsPapers/17150114"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1" type="after" value="17150114"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1" type="before" value="17150114"></interp>
<p>For the Good of the Publick.</p>
<p>WHereas several Gentlewomen, and others of that Sex in this Kingdom, have contracted an evil Habit of Body, wherein the vicious Humours at first dispersed thro' the whole, come at length to be lodg'd in one Part or another; and many times for Causes too long to be here mentioned, are thrown down upon the Womb, occasioning a dangerous Weakness in that Part, which being neglected, at last turns cancerous and often proves fatal, I cure the Diabetes, when given over by all other Persons. This is to acquire all such as may have Occasions, that a speedy Relief is to be had from an experienced Midwife, dwelling at the Sign of the King's Arms, a Goldsmith's Shop, near Exeter Exchange in the Strand, who perform'd a Cure upon a Lady at the Bath, after she was given over by Physicians, and since has cured several Gentlewomen and others in the City and Suburbs of London.</p>
<p>LOst or miscarried from the Vine Tavern in Thomas-Street, on the 14th of this instant, a small black Japans'd Box, with the Figure of a Man upon it, and in the Box was 2 Wedding Rings; the Posy of one was, Let Virtue be your Guide; the other had no Posy, but marked B R G or J W. Two Burial Rings, I mark'd F M, the other Mark forgot: With 3 other Rings, 2 Angel Pieces of Gold, one of them James Rex, the other Queen Anne's, with several other Silver Medals of Note and Value. A crimson Velvet Purse bound with Gold, wherein was a Gold Medal of Charles I. one Silver Medal of James I. on one side, and Charles I. on the other; a double Guinea of Queen Anne's, and one single one ditto. About 5 Pounds of fine Silver ones: Likewise the following Linen tied up in a flaxen Sheet, marked W G, viz. 2 large Down Pillows, 2 small ones, several Suits of Laced Head-clothes, 2 fine Mechlin Laced Pinners of several sorts, and Laced Ruffles, and other Linen of Value.</p>
<p>Whoever shall bring these Goods to me, <rs type="persName" id="a17150114-1-person290"> <interp inst="a17150114-1-person290" type="role" value=""></interp>
Edward Crouch <interp inst="a17150114-1-person290" type="surname" value="Crouch"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person290" type="given" value="Edward"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person290" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, Pculterer, near Smithfield-bars, shall receive for the whole Ten Pounds; or a full Proportion for any Part, and no Questions ask'd: And if any of these Goods shall be offer'd to be sold, pawn'd or valued, you are desired to stop them, and the Bearer, and give Notice to Edward Crouch, at his Shop, as above.</p>
<p>At the Sign of the Cheshire Cheese in Wallbrook, near Stocks-market,</p>
<p>LIveth a Gentlewoman, the Daughter of an eminent Physician, who practis'd in London for upwards of 40 Years. She hath a never failing Ointment that cures the GOUT, altho' the Parties be reduc'd to their Crutches, and that in 2 or 3 Days time; having been found true by Experience, to the great Ease and Comfort of many. It also cures Rheumatick Pains.</p>
<p>She has also a certain and infallible Cure for the Toothach, without Drawing, and so effectually, that the Pain will never return again; and not only so, but makes the Teeth as white as Ivory; and fallens those that are loose to Admiration. Her Hours are from 8 in the Morning till 12, and from 2 till 6.</p>
<p>ALL Melancholy, Hysterical, and Hypocondriacal Distempers, which variously affect the Mind with strange Fears, and dismal Apprehensions: Faintings and Sinkings of the Spirits, great Hurries, Restlessness, and Disquietment, (little understood, and seldom cur'd by any common Means). Also Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Risings to the Throat, sick Fits, Tremblings, Oppressions of the Heart, or any other Disorders caus'd by Vapours, are successfully cured (with God's Blessing) by a Physician well experienced therein, and of more them 20 Years Practice in those deplorable Cases; who also cures all kind of Fitts, tho' strange and violent, if curable; which he informs on sight of their Water. Now living next door to the Sheers, at the End of Chambers-Street, in Goodmans-fields, near the Minories; where those that have Occasion and live remote, may direct their Letters, and they shall be speedily answered or attended on, if desired.</p>
<p>The Vain Prodigal Life and Tragical Penitent Death of <rs type="persName" id="a17150114-1-person291"> <interp inst="a17150114-1-person291" type="role" value=""></interp>
Thomas Hellier <interp inst="a17150114-1-person291" type="surname" value="Hellier"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person291" type="given" value="Thomas"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person291" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, who for Murdering his Mistress, Mistress, and a Maid, was executed according to Law at Westover in Charles City in the Country of Virginia, near the Plantation called Hard Labour, where he perpetrated the said Murders. Printed for <rs type="persName" id="a17150114-1-person292"> <interp inst="a17150114-1-person292" type="role" value=""></interp>
Sam Crouch <interp inst="a17150114-1-person292" type="surname" value="Crouch"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person292" type="given" value="Sam"></interp>
<interp inst="a17150114-1-person292" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, at the Corner of Pope's head Ally in Cornhill.</p>

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