<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36212MV362120185"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362120185"></xptr>
<p n="1566"> <del>Ordered</del>
Whereas Itt appeares that there<lb></lb>
is £68.12s.6d due to Mr. Sims the Raker for<lb></lb>
Cleanseing the Streets of that Pte of this Pish<lb></lb>
that is wthin the libty. of Westmr. over & above<lb></lb>
the Sevll. Sumes of mony deced by him of ye<lb></lb>
former Scavengers for 5 years last past<lb></lb>
Itt is therefore Ordered that the sd. Mr.<lb></lb>
Sims shall for the future receive of the<lb></lb>
Clke of Clare Markett ye Yearly Sume of <lb></lb>
£10 pd.<del>by</del>
for Cleanseing this said Markett over<lb></lb>
& above the Sume of £165 pd. by the Inhitants<lb></lb>
of that Pte of the Pish aforesaid till he<lb></lb>
be rembursed the said Sume of £68.12s.6d<lb></lb>
& no longer.</p>

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