<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36201MV362010181"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362010181"></xptr>
<p n="1629">Book be made out for the Ensuing<lb></lb>
Year according to the Rents in the Poor Rate Book and</p>
<p n="1630">Ordered that a Duplicate<lb></lb>
be made of the Watch Rate<lb></lb>
Collecting Book the same as of<lb></lb>
the Poors Rate Book to Rest with<lb></lb>
the Parish.</p>
<p n="1631">Ordered that a Vestry be held on<lb></lb>
Thursday next at 11 o Clock to rescind<lb></lb>
the Motion of adjournment to the<lb></lb>
beginning of November next and to<lb></lb>
Sign the Watch Accounts and Watch<lb></lb>
Rate and to Consider the Application<lb></lb>
of Mr Eagleton for a Certificate for<lb></lb>
Substitute Constable</p>
<p n="1632">Ordered that Notice be given to all<lb></lb>
the Substitute Constables to attend the Ve<obscured></obscured>
on Thursday next</p>

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