<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36200MV362000044"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362000044"></xptr>
<p n="436">Resolved that the days of taking the Poll and the<lb></lb>
Regulations for the Election and Poll be as follows</p>
<p n="437">That the Election Commence on the 19th.. day of<lb></lb>
December next that the Poll be opened at Ten O Clock in<lb></lb>
the forenoon and close at Four of the Clock in the afternoon<lb></lb>
that the Poll be Opened and Close at the same Hours<lb></lb>
on Tuesday and Wednesday following</p>
<p n="438">That such Poll do finally close on the Wednesday<lb></lb>
the 21st.. December at Four O'Clock.</p>
<p n="439">That the Poll be taken in the Court Room</p>
<p n="440">That all Persons who have not Paid their Rates for<lb></lb>
Two years or have been excused Paying the same be not<lb></lb>
intitled to Vote at this Election</p>
<p n="441">That the above Regulations be Read over to and<lb></lb>
Signed by the several Candidates previous to Opening<lb></lb>
the Poll</p>
<p n="442">That the Expence of taking the Poll be equally<lb></lb>
borne among the Candidates.</p>
<p n="443">That after this time no other Candidate be<lb></lb>
encouraged to Put up.</p>
<p n="444">The sever</p>

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