<div1 type="CD_BEpage" id="WCCDBE35602BE356020084"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDBE356020084"></xptr>
<p n="215">Childrens Names Wher. Legitimate or Illegitimate<lb></lb>
When Admitted or Born in the House If not Admitted Note it<lb></lb>
Age when Admitted Y: M: D<lb></lb>
Mothers Name Settlemt. & Residence.<lb></lb>
Fathers Name Settlemt. Residence & Occupation<lb></lb>
When Placed out to Nurse<lb></lb>
Nurses C: & Sir Name<lb></lb>
Nurses Residence to be Plarised<lb></lb>
Weekly Allowance<lb></lb>
When Paid<lb></lb>
When Died at Nurse Wher. Occasioned by the Nurses Negligence, or how<lb></lb>
If removed, When, where, with whom & how Placed.<lb></lb>

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