<div1 type="CW_ICpage" id="WACWIC65239IC652390038"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WACWIC652390038"></xptr>
<p n="114">in Court before me the said Coroner and<lb></lb>
the Foreman and the rest of the Jury here<lb></lb>
present, that pursuant to the aforesaid<lb></lb>
Warrant, this Deponent called to his<lb></lb>
Assistance, the Deceased and divers. others<lb></lb>
of the Patrole belonging to the said Office<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
amounting to fifty and<lb></lb>
upwards in Number) to the said Kings<lb></lb>
Arms in Maynard Street, about nine<lb></lb>
o'Clock in the Evening of the said<lb></lb>
twenty sixth day of December last,<lb></lb>
that, when he and the above said Patrole<lb></lb>
came to the said House ha and some of<lb></lb>
the said Patrole went into the Tap-Room<lb></lb>
where they found several Persons there<lb></lb>
drinking and smoking, and upon this<lb></lb>
Deponent's hearing some body playing<lb></lb>
upon a Fiddle and Persons dancing<lb></lb>
above Stairs, he this Deponent and<lb></lb>
some of the Patrole went up Stairs<lb></lb>
with him, and secured the Men<obscured></obscured>
in Number about fifteen, most of when<lb></lb>
were sent to different Watch-houses<lb></lb>
<p n="115">and whilst third Deponent and some of<lb></lb>
the Patrole were Putting the Women<lb></lb>
(in Number about twenty five including<lb></lb>
the Woman in the Chair the said Muting<lb></lb>
being composed of the Coner Cless of People called the Cock and then Club<lb></lb>
into another Room in order to keep them<lb></lb>
together until they could be safely conveyed<lb></lb>
tot he watchhouses one of the Patrole<lb></lb>
came up to this Deponent and said, for<lb></lb>
God Almiphtys So he, Mr Millar come down im<lb></lb>
mediately, for our People are being<lb></lb>
cut to pieces and there will be some of<lb></lb>
them murder'd, upon which this Deponent<lb></lb>
came down Stairs immediately and saw<lb></lb>
to the Number of nine Irishmen beating<lb></lb>
and cutting the deceased in the Tap-Room<lb></lb>
with Cut losses and Bludgeons, whereupon<lb></lb>
this Deponent made a Blow with his<lb></lb>
Cut Cass at some of them who were b<obscured></obscured>
and Striking the deceased, and this Deponent<lb></lb>
new a Persons cut the deceased on the<lb></lb>
left Shoulder which fell him to the<lb></lb>
Ground, and he immediately exclaimed<lb></lb>
Mercy, Mercy,<obscured></obscured>
Lord Iron murdered<lb></lb>

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