City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1795 - 28th December 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652350351

Image 351 of 637

James Goddell< no role > Constable of the Night in St. Anne
Parish being sworn deposith that about 2 o'Clock
this morning one Burn a watchman brought
[..] Elizth Simpson< no role > (the deced) and another
Woman whose Name he does not know, into the
Watchhouse which last person was brot. to give
charge of the deced but she would not, whereupon
the sd. Burn said that if she would not, he would
give charge himself for insulting him numbers of
times [..] when on his Duty, this Deponent recom
mended it strongly to them to make up the matter
but they would nott, therefore at ½ part time this
Deponent ordered the Patrole to send the sd. Watch
Burn to him at the Watchhouse in order that he
might take the Charge in the Book when he
pursuaded this again to make it up but he would not
he then took the Charge upon the Book and the
Watchman returned to his Duty. that about
3 o'Clock this deponent looked this the Wicket
door in the Watchouse and observed the deceased as
he thought sitting on the Table in the lock up place
or Common Room, whereupon he went into the
Room and found her hanging by her Neck by a
Ribband which was fastned to a Staple in the Jamb

of the lock up Hole whereupon this Deponent
cut the Ribband and they laid her upon the
Floor and sent for Dr. Bolton who was not
well and therefore could not come but
sent for Mr. Saml. George Evans< no role > a Member
of the Corporation who came soon afterwards
and upon examning the Body of the deceased
said it was to no purpose to attempt any
means for her Recovery as she was too far
gone and quite dead from Suffocation

James Goddle< no role >

The Verdict
That this Elizth. Simpson< no role > was on the 1st. July
1795 at the hour 2 o'Clock in a State of
Intoxication and deranged and in such
State hanged himself.

Jno. Sodgrove< no role > Foreman

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