City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1792 - 31st December 1792

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652320009

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Small Phail and discovered in the Cup some discoloured
le [..] or matter, and on tasting if he formed to be a
Solution of opium called Landanum, Supposes the Deceased
had taken the Landanum, which he believes to have been
the Cause of his Death and that he was present when Mr.
Cruinkshank opened the Body of the Deceased-Deponent
produced the Cup and that he founded in the Pail of water

Tho. Mainwaring< no role >

George Holmen< no role > of John Street [..] in the Strand
Gentleman on this Oath Saith that the Deceased has been
his servant for about Two Months, was for about a
Fortnight or Three Weeks a very diligent and good Servant
after which he did not attend to his Business so well
and frequently stayed out very long when sent on a
Message-says about a fortnight ago he detected the Deced
[..] his Linnen for which he gave him warning
says he has of late appeared very much confused, and
had sometimes been very inattentive while waiting at Table which Depnt
attributed to Intoxicaton says about half after Eight
o Clock Yesterday Morning he was called up by his Servants
Maid who said she believed the Deceased was Dead Deponent

Deponent immediately got up and found him Dead
he sent directly for the present Apothcary and for Mr.
Cruikshank a Surgeon , who came and Mr. Cruikshank
Directions the Deceased was rubbed with sal Armoniac
but without Effect Life being quite gone-Deponent
observations on the behaviour and Conduct of the Deced
for same time past has been that he appeared in a
very confused State, the Cause of which he does not
of his own Knowledge know.

George Holman< no role >

Mary Clements< no role > Servant to Mr. George Holman< no role > of the
[..] of her Oath Saith that she has been his Servant
about a Fortnight says Yesterday Morning about [..]
after Eight she knocked at the Deceased Bed Chamber
Door, but he not [..] she went and made a Bed no
another Room, after which she Knocked at the deceads
Room Door and called but no Body answered on Dept
then recollecting that the Deceased had said to her the Night before
that he wished he Might be dead before Breakfast in the
Morning that he had In [..] four or Five Numbers in the
Letters, that he had lost a great deal of Money by it, said he

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