City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1784 - 29th December 1784

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652240054

Image 54 of 70612th January 1784

which was fastened to an Iron Hook drove
into the Wooden Quarter and to the Deceds
Neck, Says that the Deced was Cold, and
appeared to have been some time Hanged
Says that he fatched Mr. Barsley one of the
Berdles of the Parish who Cut the ford by
which the Deced was Hangine which Dept.
lifted up the Body, Says that the Deced is
Room Door was Locked and the Key in the
Lock on the inside of the Door, and Dept.
believes that the Deced Hanged herself
Says that the Deced was low Spirited and
appeared to be troubled in Mind and Silly.

James Thompson< no role >

William Read< no role > of Piccadilly Hair Dresser on
his Oath saith That Wm. Thompson< no role > fetched this
Dept. last Saturday Morning to his House in
Coventry Court , Says that he went and found
the Deced's Room Door Locked and the Key
in the Lock on the inside Says that Mr.
Thompson made a Hole in the side of the Room
and with his Hand unlocked the Door, when
Dept. saw the Deced Hanging by a small Cord
which was fastened to an Iron Hook in
the side of the Room Says that the Deced was
dead and Cold, and Dept. believes that the
Deced Hanged herself, Says that the Deced
was at his House last Thursday when she
appeared to be distracted and out of her Mind

Wm. Read< no role >

Peter Simpson< no role > a Lodger at Mr. Gaigneay in
Beck Street St. James's on his Oath saith That
he has known the Deced about two Years
and thinks that the Deced has for some time
been at times Disordered in her Senses
and the more so on Thursday Evening
last when she called upon this Depont. and
Dept. then saw her safe to her Lodging
in Coventry Court

Severally Sworn the Day
Year and Place above
mentioned before me
Tho. Prickard< no role > Coroner }

Peter Simpson< no role >

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