City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1763 - 30th December 1763

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652030127

Image 127 of 4414th May 1763

City & Liberty of Westmr .
in the County of Middlesex }

Informations of Witnesses taken this fourth
day of May 1763 on an Inquisition taken on
View of the Body of Charles Chamberlain< no role > lying
Dead in the Parish of St. Margaret within the
City and Liberty of Westminster in the County
of Middlesex .

Caleb Headland< no role > Servant to the Deced who kept the Red Lyon
in Gardeners Lane , and was a Brewer , on his Oad [..] says that he saw that
yesterday Morning several times, and the last time absent half
an hour after nine o'Clock,when the deced told another
says that he saw deced no more alive, but says that about Seven
o' Clock this Morning Deponent was in the Brewhouse, and on
seeing the Cock Leak which was even with a Copper filled
with Liquor intended for Brewing, Deponent went up to its
and disovered the Deced in the Copper almost Covered with
Water, his face being downwards, Says that he thereupon
called some of the Neighbours who assisted in taking deced
out of the Copper, and that Deced was then Dead, Says that
he did not observe the Deced to be any way disordered in
his Sences, nor any difference in his Behaviour, but was
as usual

Caleb Headland< no role >

Thomas Read< no role > Servant to the Deced in Capacity of Brewer
on his Oath saith that Yesterday Morning he cleaned Deced's
Shoes, and saw Deced in the Taphouse between Nine and ten
o Clock, who then very cheerfull, Says that he went into the
Cellar to draw Beer and on his return missed the Deced
and saw him not afterwards alive, Says that he was sent
about Eleven o' Clock by Mrs. Molly the House Keeper to Twickenham
where the Deced talked of going to Order Malt for his Brewing
and that he returned in the Afternoon with out seeing Deced,
Deponent says that after cleaning theBrewhouse this Morning
(with Caleb Headland< no role > his Fellow Servant , said Headland on
seeing a Cock Lock which was even with a Copper filled with
Liquor for Brewing, went up a Ladder to it, and discovered

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