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<p n="44">The Monday Night after, as they were seeking their Prey, they met a Gentleman and a Lady in <rs type="placeName" id="OA17500808_geo63">Chancery-Lane</rs>
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, to whom they gave their usual Salutation, and demanding their Money, &c. and from the Gentleman they took one Shilling, and from the Lady two Diamond Rings, the Diamond Rings it seems were at the Time of the Robbery secreted by one of the Rogues,who sold them to a Woman, Buyer of such Sort of Things, the one for 6 s. and the other for five Guineas, which was afterwards the Occasion of a Quarrel among themselves, and had lik'd to have verified the old Proverb, when Rogues fall out, honest Folks come by their own; but they some how made it up among themselves, and the Thursday Night following they went out again, and in <rs type="placeName" id="OA17500808_geo64">Cary-Street</rs>
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they stopt a Gentleman, from whom they took two Shillings and some Halfpence, but the Gentleman calling out, several People came to his Assistance, and a Man having seiz'd fast Hold of one of the Rogues, he was just drawing his Pistol in order to shoot him through the Head, when he was rescued by one of his Companions, and thereby the Man's Life saved; notwithstanding this narrow Escape, they stopp'd a Gentleman immediately after near the Bottom of <rs type="placeName" id="OA17500808_geo65">Chancery-Lane</rs>
<interp inst="OA17500808_geo65" type="placeName" value="Chancery-Lane"></interp>
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, from whom they took twenty-two Guineas, and two half Guineas; they did not long reign after this; for one Night being out looking for their Booty, two of them were taken by Mr. Bennet the Constable, near the <rs type="placeName" id="OA17500808_geo66">Star-Inn</rs>
<interp inst="OA17500808_geo66" type="placeName" value="Star-Inn"></interp>
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, and being carried the next Morning before Justice Fielding, Mr. Smith was informed thereof, and coming before the Justice immediately swore to the Identity of their Persons, and was bound over to prosecute, which he did accordingly, and one of his Companions, who was also taken, being made an Evidence against them, they were justly sentenc'd to suffer for their Crimes.</p>
<p n="45">A particular Account of the Robberies done by <rs type="persName" id="OA17500808_n45-1">Benjamin Chamberlain</rs>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-1" type="given" value="Benjamin"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-1" type="surname" value="Chamberlain"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, a noted Thief, who has been several Times tried at the <rs type="placeName" id="OA17500808_geo67">Old-Bailey</rs>
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, particularly last May Sessions; when he was tried on the Evidence of <rs type="persName" id="OA17500808_n45-2">Thomas Applegate</rs>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-2" type="given" value="THOMAS"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-2" type="surname" value="APPLEGATE"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-2" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, for robbing <rs type="persName" id="OA17500808_n45-3">Abraham Maddocks</rs>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-3" type="given" value="ABRAHAM"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-3" type="surname" value="MADDOCKS"></interp>
<interp inst="OA17500808_n45-3" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, of a Pinchbeck Metal Watch with a Tortoise-shell Case, Value 3 l. a Stone Seal set in Gold, and a Silk Handkerchief, Value 2 s. when the Jury, not crediting the Evidence of Applegate, acquitted him.</p>

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