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<p n="2978">approved and examined and afterwards<lb></lb>
subscribed as aforesaid from each of the said<lb></lb>
Hospitals with the usual Docket for each<lb></lb>
of such Leases in such Office And they<lb></lb>
severally attended a Court of Common Council<lb></lb>
held at Guildhall London on or about the<lb></lb>
20th.. day of May last when such last mentd..<lb></lb>
Leases and Dockets were produced and they<lb></lb>
being called into that Court severally<lb></lb>
requested to have the said Hospital seal<lb></lb>
affixed to such leases as then to fore used<lb></lb>
and accustomed to be done When (after<lb></lb>
being interrogated by some of the Common<lb></lb>
Council touching such leases) they were<lb></lb>
directed to withdraw And a motion being<lb></lb>
thereupon made for affixing the aforesaid<lb></lb>
Hospital seal to such Leases the same was<lb></lb>
superseded by the previous Question being<lb></lb>
put and carried against putting the former<lb></lb>
question And they being soon after called<lb></lb>
into the same Court the Recorder who<lb></lb>
declared to them that by direction of the<lb></lb>
Lord mayor he was to inform them That<lb></lb>
that Court had referred it to a Committee<lb></lb>
to consider of sealing the Hospital Leases<lb></lb>
and that they should have notice when<lb></lb>
they met to attend them or to that effect but<lb></lb>
they have not received any notice of such<lb></lb>
Committee meeting to attend them touchg.<lb></lb>
the sealing such leases or otherwise</p>

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