<div1 type="TH_MGpage" id="LMTHMG55302MG553020238"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMG553020238"></xptr>
<p n="1601">After some Debate They were unanimously of Opinion<lb></lb>
That the number of Stated Physicians to this Hospital<lb></lb>
should for the future be Four. And several Regulations<lb></lb>
having been proposed relating to the Times and Method<lb></lb>
of the Physicians Attending at the Hospital, (wherein<lb></lb>
the Opinions of Sr: <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMG55302_n1601-1">Edward Wilmott</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMG55302_n1601-1" type="given" value="Edward"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMG55302_n1601-1" type="surname" value="Wilmott"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMG55302_n1601-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, Dr: Letherland, and<lb></lb>
Dr: Reeve late <rs type="occupation" id="LMTHMG55302_occ3227">Physicians</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMG55302_occ3227" type="occupation" value="Physicians"></interp>
to this Hospital were taken)<lb></lb>
The following Regulations were Unanimously Agreed<lb></lb>
to, at a Committee held the 25 day of March last, Vizt:</p>
<p n="1602">1st: That the three Senior Physicians shall meet<lb></lb>
in the Doctors Room on Tuesday morning where such Patients<lb></lb>
as are able and fit to attend on them shall come form all<lb></lb>
the Wards: And afterwards They shall Visit in their<lb></lb>
respective Wards such Patients as are not able and fit<lb></lb>
to attend Them in the Doctors-Room</p>
<p n="1603">2d. That the three Senior Physicians, with the<lb></lb>
three Surgeons in their turns, attend on Thursday morning<lb></lb>
to take in the Patients, and take upon them the care of them;<lb></lb>
and that one of them attend on the same day to write for<lb></lb>
the Out-Patients then admitted.</p>
<p n="1604">3d. That on Saturday the three Senior Physi<lb></lb>
-cians, and the three Surgeons, shall Walk, through all the<lb></lb>
Wards together, and then and there jointly Consider and<lb></lb>
Consult of an concerning such whose Cases are Extraordi-<lb></lb>
-nary and difficult, whether Doctors or Surgeons Patients, and<lb></lb>
prescribe and direct such Administrations or Operations as<lb></lb>
shall be by them or the Major part of them thought fit.</p>
<p n="1605">4th. That the Junior Physician attend the Hospi-<lb></lb>
-tal every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on Monday<lb></lb>
he is to walk through all the Wards; on Wednesday to call<lb></lb>
over and prescribe for the men Out Patients; on Friday for the<lb></lb>
Women and Children Out Patients, and to Visit any of the<lb></lb>
Patients in the House, whom it may be necessary to see</p>
<p n="1606">5th. That in case any of the three Senior Physicians<lb></lb>
are prevented from attending the Junior Physician shall<lb></lb>
attend in their room And in case the Junior Physician should<lb></lb>
be prevented from coming, the other shall do his Duty by<lb></lb>

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