<div1 type="TH_MCpage" id="LMTHMC55205MC552050035"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMC552050035"></xptr>
<p n="219">Great Parndon (he found.) Exchange with Mr. Partis 129. Agreemt. to puntranted<lb></lb>
apptis of the Keats for train to is some of Vise land for the Judgment of<lb></lb>
the Landtax 139. addn. of the Surry flocks to Mr. Shehold's found 180<lb></lb>
The Jnad in porth his trives 176. His against to let the Savey land in London Cornian Head to<lb></lb>
So West with Mr Mathew for the exchange of his atttens. for land lying introuced wth. the<lb></lb>
Also with Artsmasters for the Purchass of a piece of land lying within and with this<lb></lb>
Hospt. estate it, Richard of laid of Artherdans the Exchange of lands with most under the<lb></lb>
Linaner to Mr. Jan to assign her Drass to Mr. Genwood 243. Order of Lease to Danish<obscured></obscured>
tansr. wtj. ib Lease to Edwd Jurn Estate. Order to purch as Hemp to let it is John<obscured></obscured>
the Windward state Byans of Wedman hide & a Watt ordd. 165. Lease Mr Danish as Timber<lb></lb>
Remptm of Mr. Tanlder as Sevt. of Joshd Land 179. Assignt. by Edwd Evans 280.</p>
<p n="220">Pancrass Lane Lease to Andw Camress 199<lb></lb>
Patir ofter Mr: Lease to Mary Brooks 707. Lease ordd. fast for of<lb></lb>
in lease to John Gibbs Exe To Mr. Church 182. in paisfield 3rd.</p>
<p n="221">Porter Danl. Whorste appointed on she death of John Seigh of the Irent gate 243. Annuity<lb></lb>
to his Widow 16 Liberty for the arophd of one of the Portyrs of House a St Thomas<lb></lb>
repect during pasafuse it Graguit to assault 152. Death if Eliza High 242. Garity<obscured></obscured>
Liberty of rets if the Badford you<obscured></obscured>
{parish of Mr Karne Esqr to lock garts<lb></lb>
appointts in his dead 312</p>
<p n="222">Parish Saint of Sir Harm</p>
<p n="223">Pinnespack Saint Lease ordd. to Mr Abame 268</p>
<p n="224">Patrick find-Prentition from that found 269</p>
<p n="225">Pill Mr Pentation by his Eventers 279.<lb></lb>
Packer Lease ordd. 303. Kentish</p>

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