<div1 type="TH_MCpage" id="LMTHMC55203MC552030152"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMC552030152"></xptr>
<p n="883">The Doctors and Surgeons Informed this Comittee</p>
<p n="884">That Sister King it by Age and other Infirmityes Incapable<lb></lb>
& Unfitt for Service, And when they examine her can give no<lb></lb>
Accompt of her Patients and does not take no Care about<lb></lb>
Delivering the Physick prescribed for the Patients in her Ward</p>
<p n="885">That Sister Jonah is above Eighty Years old and almost<lb></lb>
Supannuated but hath been a Good Servant and is an Industrious<lb></lb>
Woman and Does her best Endeavours.</p>
<p n="886">That Sister Lazarus Extort Money and Neglects such as<lb></lb>
don't Give it, but is Capable of doeing good Service if she pleaser</p>
<p n="887">That Sister Susannah is Incaple by Age & Sicknesse and<lb></lb>
hardly knows any of her patients but has been a good Nurse and<lb></lb>
an Old Servant.</p>
<p n="888">Whereupon, the sd Sisters of King's Jonah's<lb></lb>
Lazarus's and Susannah's Wards, were serverally<lb></lb>
Called in and Examined, And the sd Sisters<lb></lb>
of Jonah's & Lazarus's Wards, appearing to<lb></lb>
the Comittee to be yet Capable of Doeing their Duty<lb></lb>
and having promised to be Faithfull & Diligent<lb></lb>
in their respective Places for the time to Come,<lb></lb>
were Continued therein during the Pleasure of the<lb></lb>
Grand Comittee.</p>
<p n="889">But the Sisters of Kings Ward and Susannah's<lb></lb>
Ward, being found Unfitt for further Service, were<lb></lb>
Discharged from their sd places.</p>
<p n="890">And in regard the sd Sisters of Kings & Susannah's<lb></lb>
Wards have been Old Servants, it is referred to Mr:<lb></lb>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMTHMC55203_occ255">Trear</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55203_occ255" type="occupation" value="Trear"></interp>
. either to keep them in the Hospitall, under the Allowances<lb></lb>
Rents Settled in the like late at a Comittee, 25th. June 1707: or to send to the Respective Parishes where they were last Settled, which<lb></lb>
he think fitt.</p>
<p n="891">Ordered that the Hospitalls Houses in Poter Noster<lb></lb>
Row and Newgate Markett be Insured, and it is Left to Mr:<lb></lb>
Trear to gett the same done.</p>
<p n="892">Upon Reading the Report to be made to the Generall<lb></lb>
Court of the Proceedings of this Comittee, Agreed that No<lb></lb>
Strong Beer be Allowed to the Trear for the time being from<lb></lb>
the Hospitall Trear house as directed at the Comittee<obscured></obscured>
but And the<obscured></obscured>
being accordingly attend in<obscured></obscured>

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