<div1 type="TH_MCpage" id="LMTHMC55202MC552020176"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMC552020176"></xptr>
<p n="986">Grand Comittee Mercur: 25o Apr: 1705</p>
<p n="987"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Trear<lb></lb>
Sr W:Cole<lb></lb>
Sr J: Eyton<lb></lb>
<p n="988">Minutes of last Grand Comittee Read & Approved</p>
<p n="989">Mr Trear Reported that he & Mr Baker had mett<lb></lb>
Mr Weston, the Owner of the <rs type="occupation" id="LMTHMC55202_occ237">Mannor of the Maze</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_occ237" type="occupation" value="Mannor of the Maze"></interp>
, and that<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
it was Agreed (if this Comittee should Approve there of)<lb></lb>
That mutuall Leases should be Granted between the<lb></lb>
Hospital & Him of the Liberty of Way & Passage through<lb></lb>
the Comon & Open Wayes & passages in St Thomas Parish<lb></lb>
& in the sd Manner of the Maze For Five hundred<lb></lb>
Yeares at A pepper Corne P Ann: upon each Lease<lb></lb>
But Mr: Weston<del>is to lease</del>
insists upon a Five, and<lb></lb>
that the Lease shall he made at the Hospll: Charge<lb></lb>
which will other incident Charges will amount<lb></lb>
together to House Guineys or thereabouts Which<lb></lb>
Report being Considered by this Committee It is ordered<lb></lb>
that the sd Agreemt: be Confirmed and a Lease granted<lb></lb>
accordingly on the part of the Hospitall, In Which<lb></lb>
provision is to be made, that if the Hospll Tennt shall<lb></lb>
be hundred from the benefitt of the Grant to be made<lb></lb>
by Mr Weston, then it shall be lawfull for the Governor<lb></lb>
to binder his Tennts in like manner from the<lb></lb>
benefitt of the Hospll. Grant.</p>
<p n="990">Mr Sheppard Attended with Mrs Freeman our Tennt:<lb></lb>
of <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo244">Bell Yard is Southwarke</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo244" type="placeName" value="Bell Yard is Southwarke"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo244" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, but Mr: Joanes (although<lb></lb>
be had due notice at this Comittee) did not attend<lb></lb>
Mr. Freeman pray'd leave to make use of the<lb></lb>
Hospitalls Name in the Suite she is about to Comence<lb></lb>
agt: Mr: Jones for some part of the Hospll: Ground<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
now in his possession and for Lights made out of his House<lb></lb>
towards the sd Ground held by her of this Hospll: To which<lb></lb>
the Committee consented, she Indempnifyeing the Hospll<lb></lb>
agt: all Costs & Charges</p>
<p n="991">Mr: Trear Reported from the Sub Committee for Manageing<lb></lb>
of the Building of the House for the Trear of this Hospll</p>

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