<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50958PS509580131"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS509580131"></xptr>
<p n="956">without allowing the Instruments of Separation<lb></lb>
which are inadmissible: The hungry improvident<lb></lb>
Prisoner will eat his whole Allowance of Bread<lb></lb>
before he receives his Meat; & with then have a Por-<lb></lb>
tion of solid Meat, which instead of nourishing him<lb></lb>
will make him sick: The only mode of feeding a<lb></lb>
Prisoner, I am fully persuaded is by Spoon Meat;<lb></lb>
And it is of little Consequence to ye County, was that<lb></lb>
the appers are toiled at so small an Expence of Coals,<lb></lb>
whether the meat continue a little longer therein, &<lb></lb>
the Liquor to made Buth of, or whether it be thrown<lb></lb>
away; for as to noting it for visiting Bones of next<lb></lb>
Day, my</p>
<p n="957">2d. Observation is, that thos. Humanity dictated<lb></lb>
this, as a Supply of some Deficiency, on ye Meagre<lb></lb>
Days, it with be found, that ye Water in which ye Meat<lb></lb>
is virted on Monday will be sported by Tuesday, if<lb></lb>
it will not have contracted a deleterious Quality, by</p>

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