<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50948PS509480162"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS509480162"></xptr>
<p n="819">Honored father as their is no lickehood of getting<lb></lb>
out from this most dreedful place this method I hope<lb></lb>
will suceed it is I have formed a plain to make<lb></lb>
my ascape and by your help it will be the more<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
abler to succeed<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
in my plain you will procure<lb></lb>
for me a pair of briches and a long coat a wastcoat<lb></lb>
and a pair of stockings your old ones will do<lb></lb>
will enough that<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
is your old close will do very<lb></lb>
will you will likewise do the same for Hooper as<lb></lb>
we are boath going together you will be<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
me no<lb></lb>
wither we can havel without a passport and<lb></lb>
inform me in the best plain but let my mother<lb></lb>
no nothing concerning this for you know women<lb></lb>
are not to be trusted you will let me know when<lb></lb>
the solders generly lie between this and <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50948_geo775">Liverpool</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50948_geo775" type="placeName" value="Liverpool"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50948_geo775" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
us that is the road we mein to go i will send<lb></lb>
every thing out that belongs to us both and you<lb></lb>
may send in Hoopers wach and Brakles and<lb></lb>
his coat I will say<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
no more at present but another<lb></lb>
nine will <obscured></obscured>
keep this close to your self</p>
<p n="820">Heredh ather as heirt in on icklehoodsle fo ihngg uto ronef<lb></lb>
hist ostm reedfuld lacep hist eshidm open illw aeseads<lb></lb>
ti si i aveh ernesdf a camp ot akein ym scaped nda<lb></lb>
yb ovry elph i illw eb het orem bleria ot useeads<lb></lb>
ni ym lamp ovy illw wcurep orf en a airp fo whesb<lb></lb>
oury ldo neso illw od illw nugp hatt ikewisel od<lb></lb>
het ames orf ovperh sa ew ra oathb oigg og athert<lb></lb>
auy illw ell em on hitherw ew ane rawletr ithoutw<lb></lb>
a asspportp nda nformi em ni het eslb cainp ulb ett<lb></lb>
ym otherm on ottingn onserningc hist orf ouy nowk<lb></lb>
omanw ua otn ot eb wsledt my illw etl em<lb></lb>
nowk heirw het olderss enerlyg id etweenb hist ot og i illw<lb></lb>
ends very hingt uto hatt elongs to su oathb nda<lb></lb>
ish oak i illw ays on own ta resentp utb aothern<lb></lb>
imet illw ellt oay oresn eepk hist losec ot oury elfs</p>

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