<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50947PS509470124"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS509470124"></xptr>
<p n="710">Now upon <obscured></obscured>
Reading the said Petition and heavy what hath been alledgd by the Commrs Alain<lb></lb>
Councel in & conceny the punning &<obscured></obscured>
<del>This court doth by virtue of the peace and authority of<obscured></obscured>
it appeary to this Matys Qustion the peace for this county<lb></lb>
other persent General upon assembly that out Rats a appoints can be laind<lb></lb>
& eding that sompaul of <obscured></obscured>
can be taken off This Court <obscured></obscured>
upon due consideration of the premises Oath by virtue <del>of the</del>
and in pursuance of<del>Poor issue & & Authority <obscured></obscured>
above in part<lb></lb>
rents acts of parliament order & Direct that poor & after Midsummer day<lb></lb>
now met evening the Rats a appmeates as shall be thought<lb></lb>
newful the Camr. he made lais and apipe by shed<lb></lb>
Commr. upon all & any prison puson who do nor shall <obscured></obscured>
or <obscured></obscured>
any Land House shop workhouse Allan vault or<lb></lb>
other Jenement within the Sheets in Laws comprized in the sd. act<lb></lb>
at After the Rate of Six peace in and no more the peaced upon of the Yearly Rent as<lb></lb>
of our Lans<obscured></obscured>
Shops Workhouse cellars Vaults or other<obscured></obscured>

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