<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50921PS509210042"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS509210042"></xptr>
<p n="219"> dom, until it shall please Divine Providence to restore the Bles-<lb></lb>
sing of general plenty; DO hereby, jointly and severally, pledge<lb></lb>
ourselves, in the most solemn Manner, to execute and maintain,<lb></lb>
to the utmost of our Power, the following RESOLUTIONS;<lb></lb>
and also most earnestly to recommend the same to be adopted<lb></lb>
in our respective Neighbourhoods.</p>
<p n="220">We will reduce the Consumption of Wheat in our Families,<lb></lb>
by at least One-third of the usual Quantity consumed<lb></lb>
in ordinary Times.</p>
<p n="221">In order to effect this Reduction, either we will limit to that<lb></lb>
Extent the Quantity of Fine Wheaten Bread used by each In-<lb></lb>
dividual in our Families; or we will consume therein only mixed<lb></lb>
Bread, of which not more than Two-thirds shall be made of<lb></lb>
Wheat; or we will consume only a proportional Quantity of<lb></lb>
mixed Bread, of which more than Two-thirds in made of Wheat;<lb></lb>
or a proportional Quantity of Bread made of Wheat alone, from<lb></lb>
which no more than Five Pounds Weight of Bran per Bushel<lb></lb>
is excluded: And we will also (if it shall be necessary for the<lb></lb>
Purpose of this Engagement) prohibit in our Families the Use<lb></lb>
of Wheaten Flour in Pastry, and diminish, as much as possible,<lb></lb>
the Use thereof in other Articles than Bread.</p>
<p n="222">By some one or more of these Measures, or by any other<lb></lb>
which may be found equally effectual, and more expedient and<lb></lb>
practicable, in our respective Situations, we will, to the utmost of<lb></lb>
our Power, ensure the Reduction above-mentioned, of at least<lb></lb>
One -third of the Quantity of Wheat usually consumed in our<lb></lb>
Families in ordinary Times.</p>
<p n="223">This Engagement shall remain in Force until Fourteen Days<lb></lb>
after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament,<lb></lb>
unless the Average Price of Wheat in the whole Kingdom shall<lb></lb>

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