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<p n="703"> Proceedings of the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50920_geo611">House of Commons</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50920_geo611" type="placeName" value="House of Commons"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50920_geo611" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
respecting the High Price of CORN.</p>
<p n="704">Veneris, IIo die Decembris, 1795.</p>
<p n="705">RESOLUTION.</p>
<p n="706">RESOLVED, Nemine Contradicente,</p>
<p n="707">THAT, in Consequence of the high Price and defi-<lb></lb>
cient Supply of Wheat, it is expedient to adopt such Measures<lb></lb>
as may be practicable for diminishing the Consumption thereof,<lb></lb>
during the Continuance of the present Pressure, and for intro-<lb></lb>
ducing the Use of such Articles as may conveniently be substi-<lb></lb>
tuted in the Place thereof.</p>
<p n="708">AGREEMENT.</p>
<p n="709">WE, the Undersigned, impressed with a Sense of the Evils<lb></lb>
which may be experience by His Majesty's Subjects, in Conse-<lb></lb>
quence of the deficient Supply of Wheat, unless timely and<lb></lb>
effectual Measures are taken to reduce the Consumption thereof,<lb></lb>
within such Limits as may prevent the Pressure of actual Scar-<lb></lb>
city previous to the next Harvest, and may secure, as far as<lb></lb>
possible, the necessary Subsistence of the People of this King-<lb></lb>

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