<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50904PS509040112"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS509040112"></xptr>
<p n="947">£ s d</p>
<p n="948">Continued38..0..6¾</p>
<p n="949">1794</p>
<p n="950"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">March 17th<lb></lb>
to the 29th}</note>
At do takeing doron Temporary Gateway takeing to prices<obscured></obscured>
to well<lb></lb>
Cutting away and Trimming floors Setting Center to trimmer, Southwest<lb></lb>
ing fixing Iron to front Gates, letting Iron Plate overtook, makeing<lb></lb>
good feit to Trimmer Makeing good<obscured></obscured>
Sick ward South west wing<lb></lb>
unhanging Shutters, South East do. Cutting away and trimming floor<lb></lb>
to Chimny to South East & South West Wings takeing off & Cutting Arris<lb></lb>
Price to Brestumer to temporary Gateway Cuttering away Plastering to<lb></lb>
let in Shelves to Keeper Rooms East and west, & preparing mould to<lb></lb>
Iron grating Center Building.</p>
<p n="951">1 feet of<obscured></obscured>
deut,4.12 feet ¼ deals,1.12 feet 1½ deal,..10..2<lb></lb>
feet 1½ deals6 feet of 3 deal12½ Inches white..9..2<lb></lb>
7 hund of 20 nails1½ hund of 30d nails3 hund of 40d nails..18.3<lb></lb>
2 hund of 4d Brads,8 Pound of<obscured></obscured>
kes 5<obscured></obscured>
4 Days 7.13.27..14 0</p>
<p n="952">fixing an wood Catch and Kitch and look to Garden door, Cutting door<lb></lb>
way makeing & hanging door, fixing in Thumble<obscured></obscured>
to do. between boundary<lb></lb>
wall and Mr.<obscured></obscured>
ding Office.<lb></lb>
2 feet of Oak 2x1½½ hund of 20d & 30d nails3 Days & ¾ Carptr...5..2½</p>
<p n="953"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">March 31<lb></lb>
to April 12</note>
Unhanging and Changing<obscured></obscured>
to Grating to door to South lait External<lb></lb>
Courts, fixing<obscured></obscured>
to head of door case, Prepairing mould for Iron<lb></lb>
work, to Punning of Rend every makeing good the Cencing to Sick ward<lb></lb>
in Southwest wing unhanging door and takeing down rounds<obscured></obscured>
Etc. to Clock in At the of Governors house, fitting in pannells to door North<lb></lb>
East wing Prepairing and fitting in moulds for Iron works, to doors North<lb></lb>
front. fixing Knockers to front Gates, makeing good Petition Etc fixing<lb></lb>
North East wing after the<obscured></obscured>
makeing good floor<lb></lb>
in Atlick governor house, fixing window Shutters in Cells Southfront<lb></lb>
East of Center, Cutting out wall plates, Etc Easing wick<obscured></obscured>
to front Gates East<lb></lb>
of Lodge, wedging in Iron stand said to Slave Case, north front, fitting<lb></lb>
and hanging Iron Casements to Keeper, North front, reducing and<lb></lb>
hanging door in Small Room in Attic of Governor house, unhanging<lb></lb>
caseing a discharging door to Keeper room<obscured></obscured>
North front<lb></lb>
fixing in Iron Grateing to Court door North front.</p>
<p n="954">1.12 feet ¾ deal, 4 feet of ¾ Batten, 7 feet of 1 In deal, 27 feet of 1¼ do.-12.7½<lb></lb>
feet 6<obscured></obscured>
7 do 11 In white6 feet of listing7 hund of 20d nails-13.5<lb></lb>
4 Pounds of white had2 pound of Glee17 Days & ¼ Carpenter3. 4.8½</p>
<p n="955"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">April 4th<lb></lb>
to the 26}</note>
Makeing a Center to Repair dains, fixing Iron Grating prepairing<lb></lb>
and hanging Plaps takeing down Hund<obscured></obscured>
Fixing Rebs. Governor for Casements<lb></lb>
Sick ward southwest wing</p>
<p n="956">1.12 feet ¾ deal1<obscured></obscured>
feet 1¼ deal5 feet of do 11 Inch white..5..5<lb></lb>
4 feet of 1½ deal1 hund of 4d 15 rads5 days Carpenter..19.0<lb></lb>
Repairing fence South front and hanging Gate</p>
<p n="957">Chund of 20d nails2 Pound of Spikes<obscured></obscured>
of 40d nls, 4 Days &¼1..7.10</p>
<p n="958">Continue£50..10.4¾</p>

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