<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50851PS508510141"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS508510141"></xptr>
<p n="1557">£..S..D</p>
<p n="1558">Brot. Forward21..15..9</p>
<p n="1559"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">1789<lb></lb>
Augt 24th:</note>
Prepairing and Fixing down Covering to Cespool in womens Yard<lb></lb>
12 ft sugnl. of 3 In Oak plank, ¾ Day14.6</p>
<p n="1560"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Octr 5th</note>
Carrying up and Raiseing Ladders for sweeps to Clear the<lb></lb>
Chimney to Men and womens day sheds & strikeing and<lb></lb>
bringing away the Ladders3 men ¼ Day Each..2..6</p>
<p n="1561"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">24th to<lb></lb>
the 2d}</note>
Prepairing and Makeing two Forms for sick ward<lb></lb>
2 12 <obscured></obscured>
11 In 10d.,3 ft of 1½ deal, to 12 ft ¾ Batten..8..4</p>
<p n="1562">¼ 6 of 10d,nails,2 Day ¼7/8/2..7..11</p>
<p n="1563"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Novr. 3d<lb></lb>
and 4th}</note>
Takeing up Old Barracks floor and foist in strong Room on the<lb></lb>
womens side prepairing flooring Board & Laying down staper &<lb></lb>
Joist, 91 ft 6 of fir 6½ x 4, 92 ft Do. 6 x 3 ½, 31 ft 6 Do. 7½ x 4½<lb></lb>
46 ft 3 of Do. 6½ x 4½, 19 ft Do. of 5 x 4,17 ft of Do: 6 X 3<lb></lb>
17 ft of Do.6 x 4,19 ft of Cok 8½ x 4}<lb></lb>
<p n="1564">½ 6 of 20d nails, ½<obscured></obscured>
of Canler, 38<obscured></obscured>
of Spiker,6 days ½" 2..1..10</p>
<p n="1565">2 Turns with the Cart..4..6</p>
<p n="1566">Diging and Carrying out Ground, 1 Day 3 men..6..6</p>
<p n="1567"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Novr. 5th<lb></lb>
and 6th}</note>
Do. and Laying Floor and Fixing down Bearers for Barracks</p>
<p n="1568">30 ft of fis 8 x 2½,33 ft of do. 6 x 2½,29 ft of do. 6 x 3,<lb></lb>
17 ft of Do. 5½ x 2,78 ft of do. 4 x 2½1.12.9}<lb></lb>
<p n="1569">39 12 ft whole deals 3 14 ft do. Inr. wd.116¾ of 20d nails,6.11.2¾6..15..10½</p>
<p n="1570">20th of spiker,1st of Candles,9 days.2..1..4</p>
<p n="1571">2 Turns with the Curt..4..0</p>
<p n="1572"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Novr. 7th.<lb></lb>
and 9th.}</note>
Do. Prepairing and Fixing down New Bolster boards and,<lb></lb>
bearers, prepairing and fixing down foot board repairing<lb></lb>
Quortering and Lineings, Prepairing and Fixing skirting<lb></lb>
to Do, and fixing down Chain to floor, and repairing floor<lb></lb>
and hanging window shuttlers, in Longward Ground floor<lb></lb>
4 14 ft whole duly,3 12 ft do.4 ft 6 of Do. 11 Ins. wd.1..2..4</p>
<p n="1573">16 ft 6 of 2½ deal,3 ft 8 of fir 5 x 3,6 hundd. of 20d nts 11.5..17.3¾</p>
<p n="1574">16¼ of 30d nails,6th. of spikes, ½ 6 of 8d Clout, 7 Day ½1..10..10</p>
<p n="1575"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">10th</note>
Carrying Rubbish out of womens yard into street</p>
<p n="1576">3 Day Labourer3 Load of Rubbish Cartd. away..15..6</p>
<p n="1577">Did not £ 47..1..2¾</p>
<p n="1578">Examd Rogers£ 46..11..6¼</p>

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