Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1783

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507630055

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To the Worshipfull, Willm Mainwaring< no role > Esq Chairman;
and the Other of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace , for the County of
Middx ; assembled at their General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
held in & for the said County. the 16th. day of January 1783.

May it Please your Worships,
I most humbly begg Leave to be Permitted to Offer myself a Candidate
to be Appointed Governour of the House of Correction at Clerkenwell in the Place
of Mr James Crozier< no role > resigned.

My having been in the Commission of the Peace for this County, upward
of Twelve years (& I flatter myself Acted therein with reputation) Emboldens me
to Offer myself a Candidate for the above Office, as it may be presumed I must
trave a Competent knowledge, of all the Laws, Orders, Rules, & Regulations, that
may be Necessary for the well Governing & Manageing the same.

If this my Application should prove Successfull [..] Pledge myself
that It shall ever be my Constant Care & Study, to see that all Orders, Rules, &
Regulations, that are, or may be made, for the well ordering, & Governing
thereof to be Strictly Enforced & Obeyd, & Every duty of the Office Executed
with the Greatest Diligence & Care, & at the same time Act with Humanity
to the Unhappy Objects Committed to my Care & C [..] harge.

And Am,
your Worships,
Most Obedient Humble Servant,
John Walford< no role > .

Constitution Row Gray Inn
Lane Road Jany. 16. 1783}

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