<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50682PS506820144"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS506820144"></xptr>
<p n="992">Brought Over £26..18..½</p>
<p n="993"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">1777<lb></lb>
August. 23d.</note>
ye Convicts. from looking through. the Mens. Gate between<lb></lb>
Gates into the Street. when the front Gates are Open fixing<lb></lb>
Stumps. in the Grounds to Fasten the two doors in the front<lb></lb>
of Mens Gate and fixing front of Womens Pump</p>
<p n="994">Carpenters 4 days ¼-..12..9<lb></lb>
9 Feet. Oak 4½ by 4.-..3..3<lb></lb>
9 Feet Seepl 3½ Oak Plank..-..9..9<lb></lb>
3.9 Seepl ¾ deal-..-..9¼<lb></lb>
Plarge hooks. and Hinges W1.12s.&4d. dog nails-..8..-<lb></lb>
2/10 Inch Hold Farts.-..8<lb></lb>
1Pt Large Strap hinges Wt<del>19</del>
½ C. 20d. ½ C 6d Nails-..-..11<lb></lb>
2 Loads Rubbish Carted away-..4..-</p>
<p n="995">BricklayerWorking up Brickwork for Durt<lb></lb>
Hole. on the Womens side Stoping holes in Brickwork on<lb></lb>
the Womens side and in between Gates. Pointing. Old Brick<lb></lb>
work. in ditto. Camping Gravel from the Street. into. the<lb></lb>
Womens side. Lowering a large Sink stone between the<lb></lb>
Gates. making a drain into the Server. Peeking the grd.<lb></lb>
on the Womens Side and leveling the Gravel. repairing<lb></lb>
Paving. in between Gates. where the Ground was Sunk<lb></lb>
and damaged by the Carts. mending the Paving in the<lb></lb>
Womens. yard. making good Brickwork. round the large<lb></lb>
Sink Stone. Etc. Etc.</p>
<p n="996">400 Stocks.-..12..-<lb></lb>
21 Hods Mortar.-..10..6<lb></lb>
Bricklayer 6 days ¾.1..-..3<lb></lb>
Labourer. 8 days ¼.-..16..6<lb></lb>
Paviour 1 day ½-..4..6<lb></lb>
7 Leaves. Gravel.1/51..15..-</p>
<p n="997"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">30th</note>
Raising Ladders to Clean Gutters over Hemp Shop. making Cares<lb></lb>
for water Cock.. and fixing up front of Pump on Womens Side<lb></lb>
repairing the Roof over the Womens Necessary. Framing a Kirb<lb></lb>
for Mr Halls Stairs. out of the yard into the Kitchen. Fixing<lb></lb>
Bolts on Temporary door. front of Mens Gate. Repairing Floor<lb></lb>
over Hemp Shop. Preparing Oak Nosings for the Stairs. out of the<lb></lb>
yard into Mr Halls Kitchen,<lb></lb>

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