<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50627PS506270130"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS506270130"></xptr>
<p n="955">after the Sessions (& some not at all) & the Memorundums therein made from loose Scraps<lb></lb>
instead of being imediately Minuted, as the Business proceeded in CourtHow then could<lb></lb>
Mr. Jefferson with an Propriety make up & deliver this Estreat upon Oath; We therefore<lb></lb>
signified his Doubts & difficulty in Court & observed it was necessary the Parties should be<lb></lb>
previously warnedTo this it was thrown out (by Baron Perrott) that the Warning of them was<lb></lb>
asinister Application for the Sake of Fees without considering the Expediency of it in the least<lb></lb>
which will fully appear in the schedule herewith left</p>
<p n="956">Besides the Objection to Mr. Jefferson's returning the Estreat of Mr. Waller's Time<lb></lb>
there are divers others; to mention a few, Mr. Jefferson who has been his Deputy in quitting that<lb></lb>
Employment had effectually discharged himself of all Obligations of that Sort, & his<lb></lb>
undertaking to execute it again at a distant at a distant Time under Mr. Butler does not reconnect him with<lb></lb>
Mr. Waller or his Office, Therefore' tis submitted that either Mr. Waller as the late Officer, or Mr. Butler<lb></lb>
as the present, was the<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Person to be called upon foreturn that Estreat as being A mercible<lb></lb>
or Amenable to the Court within the Provision of the Law, And then the Question might which of<lb></lb>
them. And to decide that it was urged on the Part of Mr. Waller that the <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50627_occ261">Clerk of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50627_occ261" type="occupation" value="Clerk of the Peace"></interp>
the time being (not that there's any such Description found in the Books) was the Person;<lb></lb>
& he was Mr. Butler, We say No, The <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50627_occ262">Clerk of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50627_occ262" type="occupation" value="Clerk of the Peace"></interp>
who transacted the Business & made<lb></lb>
the Minutes & Entries, is the <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50627_occ263">Clerk of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50627_occ263" type="occupation" value="Clerk of the Peace"></interp>
for the Time being, Altho' he were displaced<lb></lb>
at the Time appointed for the returnd. And with that Idea corresponds Mr. Wells Opinion<lb></lb>
& the Sheriffs Application.</p>
<p n="957">It was thrown out or insinuated by Mr. Waller, that he had been turned out shortly<lb></lb>
before the Time of Licensing; which is looked upon as a benneficial Article to the Office<lb></lb>
And also to Make Jefferson a better Place of it vizt. to double his Salary.</p>
<p n="958">If it were necessary to clear up these Matters, the Fees of Licensing do not make a<lb></lb>
Penny difference in Jefferson's Favour, but far otherwise for the making the Register<lb></lb>
thereof, a very long & laborious Business fell upon his<del>Business</del>
Clerks at an Expence to him<lb></lb>
of 40sh: P Week & besides Mr. Waller by his<del>right</del>
contending for the right to them (through<lb></lb>
those Fees become Payable to the <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50627_occ264">Clerk of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50627_occ264" type="occupation" value="Clerk of the Peace"></interp>
for the making out the Register for the<lb></lb>
Year following which was done by Mr. Jefferson as Mr. Butler's Deputy yet) either recd,<lb></lb>
several of them or hindred Mr. Butler from the Receipt thereofAnd as to Mr. Jefferson's<lb></lb>
double Salary, Mr: Waller allowed him £:100 & Fees called Deputys or Clerks Fees together<lb></lb>
with £20: for Office Rent, Coals, Candles & Laundress (which he before found for his former<lb></lb>
Deputies) & £7: or £8: for stationary Etc & twelve Guineas for the Estreat besides other<lb></lb>
annual Expences (all which was little enough) And now on Mr. Butler's Accession Mr.<lb></lb>
Jefferson receives the Deputies Fees or Clks, £200. for Salary but has no Allowance for<lb></lb>
Office Rent Fire Candle & Stationary so that all Thing considered tis so far from double<lb></lb>
Mr. Wallers's Allowance, that tis<del>not</del>
possibleg not £10: more, And yet is as much as Jefferson<lb></lb>
himself desired of Mr: ButlerBesides had it not been & expedient to have the Office<lb></lb>
supplied with a Deputy who had been Conversant in the Duties & with the Justices<lb></lb>
Inclinations as well as Mr. Butler's Jefferson would have rested contented without the<lb></lb>
Place having sufficiently experienc'd the Toil & Vexation of it</p>
<p n="959">Waiving the foregoing Objections Mr. Jefferson to shew his Obedience to the Courts<lb></lb>
Injunction imediately set about this difficult Tavk (tho' pressed much with differentAvocations</p>

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