<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50604PS506040157"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS506040157"></xptr>
<p n="774">of the Sept. Session and further when calld upon by the order markd'g for<lb></lb>
that purpose of a returng an Estreat of the fine of one Sherlock<lb></lb>
a Smuggler set in Septr. Session by agreemt. as<lb></lb>
of July Session & there entd. Mr.Butler retd that togr wit some<lb></lb>
other appearing in the same book and</p>
<p n="775">Mr.Butler as well as Mr.Jefferson (who<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
as it was absolutely necessary to have a person well<del>that the office might be better man fred attend</del>
acquainted wit the duties of the office became his deputy & put from any other<obscured></obscured>
<del>executed to satifn of the suitors that well Supposed</del>
had reason to apprehend that neither of them could be call'd or for any <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
farther Estreat of Mr. Waller's time.</p>
<p n="776">And so sensible were the late sheriff's agents<lb></lb>
that Mr Waller was the only proper person to be called on they apphed to the Court<del>agt</del>
to compel<obscured></obscured>
<del>Mr Waller the</del>
as late <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50604_occ200">Clk of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50604_occ200" type="occupation" value="Clk of the Peace"></interp>
<del>for to</del>
make the return in question and accordingly an<lb></lb>
Order was made which order was enlarged<del>which</del>
and by the difficulty<lb></lb>
of access to him<del>made necasion'd</del>
much delay <del>delay</del>
was occapon'd during<lb></lb>
Wch time many of the suitors were full of care how to get their Recogns. dd and<lb></lb>
made applications after their recognds in order to<lb></lb>
get'em discharged but Mr. Waller detaing the<lb></lb>
Books the Sessions cod do noting therein more that repeat their orders for Mr.W to deliverat length</p>

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