<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50604PS506040155"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS506040155"></xptr>
<p n="766">The next Entry of the Names of suitors<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
is extracted<lb></lb>
from the Recognizances return'd by the Judges &<lb></lb>
Justices, which are filed with the Indictmts. of that<lb></lb>
Same Session to wch those Recogn are returned<lb></lb>
and those names with their numbers are references to the Recogs. themselves<lb></lb>
Over which names are entred brief minutes<lb></lb>
of the proceedgs. had at that <del>Session,</del>
or any other<lb></lb>
Session till the time of Estreatg. or conclusion of the business as that<lb></lb>
the party was acquitted, or convicted & fined &<lb></lb>
fine paid or not, or ordered to be estreated.That the or<lb></lb>
she pleaded, or <del>that</del>
dermerr'd or made default or<lb></lb>
that the recogn was respited tile ye next Session or without says till farther order or was discharged or<lb></lb>
that the Estreat g was respited Etc. with other<lb></lb>
marks of direction or information.</p>
<p n="767"> <del>Between the Sept Session & October Session<lb></lb>
shortly before to the estreating Session October<lb></lb>
it has been the Custom to send Letters to the<lb></lb>
defaulting parties to<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
shew cause thereat why th<obscured></obscured>
recognizances shod. not be estreated which<lb></lb>
Notices have brot. many to come to tryal or to<lb></lb>
agree with their<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
and submit to fines or procure a stay of proceeding</p>

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