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<p n="747"> <del>waiving<lb></lb>
Foregoing these considerations & objection</del>
Waiving the foregoing objections Mr. Jefferson to Shew<lb></lb>
his obedience to the Courts' injunction immediately set<lb></lb>
about this difficult task (tho' press'd much with<lb></lb>
different a vocations) and together with his Clerk, at no<lb></lb>
small expence extracted all the Fines & Recognizces.<lb></lb>
to the number of 7 or 800. from the seven Books and<lb></lb>
drew out an Estreat at large: in the doing of wch<lb></lb>
they found other Books & Files in Mr. Waller's possn<obscured></obscured>
were still wanting to furnish<del>obtain</del>
the particulars of<lb></lb>
the Fines as well as Recognizances, particularly<lb></lb>
the Books of Janry Febry April June and September <lb></lb>
1769. the Recognizances standing open as forfeited in<lb></lb>
Subseqt. Books having been originally entered into<lb></lb>
in some or other of these former Books; and some<lb></lb>
of the fines set in the Sessions of this period being<lb></lb>
upon Indictments or some of the former Files<lb></lb>
particularly June 1769. which has been very much<lb></lb>
<p n="748">Under this difficulty Mr Jefferson on the 2d. of July Wanted upon Baron<lb></lb>
at his Chambers, with the preparation he had made (havg. had leave from the Court to apply as these<obscured></obscured>
occassions Perr off<lb></lb>
and was advised to attend the Barons the next Morng.<lb></lb>
at Westmr. before the Court sat which he did and<lb></lb>
was refer'd to call on Mr. Waller for these things wanting</p>

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