<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50595PS505950110"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS505950110"></xptr>
<p n="424">Mother and Another Person who was in the Room<lb></lb>
All run down StairsThat when they got down<lb></lb>
the Woman who Lives in the Room below Stairs Said<lb></lb>
for the Love of God<del>Let</del>
Some of you go up again<lb></lb>
That then Informant went up again And found Farrell<lb></lb>
under the Bed Cloaths Upon which Informant Lay down<lb></lb>
by him in Order to get him to Sleep if he could<lb></lb>
That after Informant had Lain about Ten Minutes<lb></lb>
Farrell Got up And then Informant got up also and run<lb></lb>
down Stairs And Farrell followed him directly<lb></lb>
That when he Came down Informant was nearer the<lb></lb>
bottom of the Court than the TopAnd Farrell<lb></lb>
directly went up the Stairs to Goughs Apartment<lb></lb>
without Stopping any whereThat Informant<lb></lb>
followed him up And found the Door fastned<lb></lb>
That Informant Pepd' under the Door And Saw Farrell<lb></lb>
Give Gough the first BlowThat Gough was Rising<lb></lb>
on his Backside in his Bed with his Hands behind him<lb></lb>
And Farrell gave him a Blow with his Fist and<lb></lb>
Knocked him down in his Bed again<lb></lb>
That then Informant Broke open the Door<lb></lb>
And Called out MurderThat Farrell frighted with Informants<lb></lb>
Calling out Got off the Bed and run to the Window and<lb></lb>
took up Something like a <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50595_occ144">Razor</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50595_occ144" type="occupation" value="Razor"></interp>
and got on the Bed<lb></lb>
again the same way as he Came off (Kneeling) And<lb></lb>
ripd' up Goughs Belly</p>

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