<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50551PS505510015"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS505510015"></xptr>
<p n="58">Weeks & a Mo. Sincelate in the night she heard a fighting<lb></lb>
in the deced Room & in her own room heard the sound of a<lb></lb>
Blow & heard somebody fall down That she believes it was the<lb></lb>
deced that fell & that the blow was given by the man for the<lb></lb>
deced the next day complain'd to her of a Pain in her side<lb></lb>
& that it grew worse & worse as the declared & so continued<lb></lb>
to the Time of her death wch. happen'd last Thursday at 5 in<lb></lb>
the MorningSays she never heard the deced complain of<lb></lb>
any other pain than of that in her side & that the blow was<lb></lb>
given her by FullerSays that abts. abt. 3 days before she died<lb></lb>
the Witness was in her own Room & the door openthe heard<lb></lb>
the deced say to FullerI believe I shall die of the Pain in any<lb></lb>
side & if I do I shall lay my death to youSays she never<lb></lb>
said it to hershe only heard the deced say it to the Man<lb></lb>
Says that after thisabt. 10 or 12 days before she took to<lb></lb>
her Bed she heard Words in the Room between the deced<lb></lb>
& Fuller & heard him swear & curse &<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
threaten that he would<lb></lb>
dash her Brain outshe hath often heard him say soSays the<lb></lb>
deced took to her Bed on the Monday in the afternoon & she<lb></lb>
Thinks she never came down Stairs afterwds. to her Knowlege<lb></lb>
she never didSays she was not Present when the deced<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
diedshe was wth. her at 1 & she died at 5. Says she<lb></lb>
was insensible between while & at Times for several days<lb></lb>
before she diedSays she was Willing to see the Part the decd<lb></lb>
complained off, wch. she Thinks was on the left side & she</p>

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