<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50492PS504920050"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS504920050"></xptr>
<p n="134">Wee your Majesties most faithfull & his all Subjects</p>
<p n="135">beg Leave in the most dutifull Manner to express our Sorrow<lb></lb>
& Concern for the sudden. Death of your Royall Grandfather<lb></lb>
our late most gracious Souvereign A King whose glorious<lb></lb>
Reign will make a most shinning Figure in the British History<lb></lb>
& transmitt his Name wth. lasting Renown to succeeding Ages.</p>
<p n="136">This Loss cou'd not be repaired nor the Nations<lb></lb>
Greif alleviated but by ye Blessing of your saired Majesties<lb></lb>
happy Accession to the Throne of your Ancestors On wch.<lb></lb>
Occasion wth. Hearts full of Joy we most sincerely congratulate<lb></lb>
your Majesty, And most earnestly pray to God that your<lb></lb>
Reign may be long happy & prosperous That those rare<lb></lb>
Excellencies of Mind wch. your Majesty has so early dis<lb></lb>
covered may gather Strengh & Vigour from Year to Year<lb></lb>
& be Productive of that Gratitude Confidence & Affection<lb></lb>
from your own Subjects & yt Weight Honour & Influence<lb></lb>
abroad wch<del>as</del>
ever have been & allways must be the Effects<lb></lb>
of the united Blessings of Piety Virtue & Magnanimity<lb></lb>
in<del>an English</del>
British Souvereign And permitt us Great Sir,<lb></lb>
to give You the sincerest Assurances of our Zeal & Attachment to your Majesties<del>that you may rely<lb></lb>
on our Zeal for your</del>
Sacred Person. & Gouvernmt.<del>That itt<lb></lb>
shall be the favourite Object of our Ambition Com yt our</del>
& yt our constant<lb></lb>
<del>One of our</del>
Attention shall be employed to secure to our Fellow Subjects as<lb></lb>
far as in us his those Rights Liberties & Priviledgis<lb></lb>
wch. your known Love for Justice & the admirable Constitution<lb></lb>
of your Kingdoms give them<del>so fair attain too.</del>
So just a Title too.</p>

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