<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50445PS504450005"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS504450005"></xptr>
<p n="10">& as he Believes with design to strike the Deced<lb></lb>
That there was instantly a Strugle betwixt the Decd.<lb></lb>
& his Mistress & the Mallett dropt to the Ground<lb></lb>
between the two Benches & no sooner that was Lane<lb></lb>
but he saw his Mistress Snatch some thing from iff<lb></lb>
the Deced Bench and as he Supposes & Believes there<lb></lb>
with give the Deced his Woundit was all down is<lb></lb>
an instant of Time & he gave his Mistress a Pash<lb></lb>
& she full agt. Downias Lass & he help'd her up.<lb></lb>
That the Deced laid his right Hand on his left Rough<lb></lb>
& Thinks he said Obt. and real at & fell into<lb></lb>
the Yard with his Head agt. the Pails. That Dowin<lb></lb>
& yr Witness went to help the Deced up to Dowain held<lb></lb>
him whilst the Witness want for a<obscured></obscured>
but came<lb></lb>
back witht Oar and he held him up whilst Dowain<lb></lb>
want for Oar & lifted the Deced into the Shop &<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
had his Arn Prick'd but not above a<obscured></obscured>
& Blood came & before any body also came to<lb></lb>
his Assistance he was dead & Died in<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
his Arms<lb></lb>
That the Dend had no instrants. in his hand that<lb></lb>
could Gies the Deced the Wound he saw the Blad<lb></lb>
come thro' the Deced Wastcoat. That before his<lb></lb>
Mistress come into the Shop he was hearty & well &<lb></lb>
complain'd of no Wound or other Ailmt: That he was<lb></lb>
well & dead in abt. 5 or 6 Minutes. That Words<lb></lb>
frequently Pass'd Between them & the Mistress & he<lb></lb>
did not Agree latelyThe Mistress always<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
came into the Shop to the Deced. The Deced not<lb></lb>
apt to Quarrel with any Redyhe never Saw the</p>

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