<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50424PS504240050"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS504240050"></xptr>
<p n="414">passage and went up stairs with another Man and when he came into this<lb></lb>
Deponents Room and seeing Anderson, Brown sd. to him you Dog it is you I want<lb></lb>
upon that Anderson replyed if you want to fight me, I will go down & fight with you,<lb></lb>
and then they both went down together and this Depont. followed them, and said<lb></lb>
Brown with a large stick the bigness of her 2 fingers and saw him strike Anderson<lb></lb>
with it, But Anderson got the stick from him, And then Anderson Struck Brown<lb></lb>
Several Blows with the said stick, and broke it, But then the sailer that was<lb></lb>
with Brown snatched the stick out of Andersons hand, and then Anderson and<lb></lb>
Brown went to fighting with their fists, and Brown said that he would not<lb></lb>
fight any more with his Cloths on, And Anderson was as willing to strip<lb></lb>
as Brown, And whilst Anderson was pulling off his Cloaths, she this Depont.<lb></lb>
said Brown run towards Anderson and pushed at him with something in<lb></lb>
his right hand, And Imediately Anderson orged out to the other Soldier Jemmy<lb></lb>
I am a dead Man, he has stabd me, And then Brown run away and the<lb></lb>
other Man after him as fast as they could and then Anderson, the other<lb></lb>
Soldier and this Depont. run after them for about 100 yards, And Anderson<lb></lb>
holding his hand upon the place where he was stabd, Says then Anderson<lb></lb>
was had to this Deponts. Room, and laid him on her Bed, and sent for<lb></lb>
Doctor<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Bunn, but he not coming soon she went hereof<lb></lb>
and then. he came and looked at the wound, and said that he was a<lb></lb>
dead Man, and sewed up the wound, says that the Dr. came the next<lb></lb>
Morning, and then he said that he was a dead Man further says that<lb></lb>
he was carryed to the London Infirmary, But she did not go and see him<lb></lb>
but heard that he lived from the 6th: untill the 23d. day of Decemr: and<lb></lb>
then dyed</p>

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