<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50396PS503960136"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS503960136"></xptr>
<p n="706">and I Said no thare was none at that Time but thare had<lb></lb>
Been Money kept thare when I first Came he asked me<lb></lb>
if thare was not a Chainge Draw Under the Counter that<lb></lb>
My Master kept the Money in I said<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
no, thare was not &<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
he then askd me what my Master Did with the<lb></lb>
Money and where he kept itt and Said he had a very good trade<lb></lb>
and take a great deale of Money and Cannot Carry it all in his<lb></lb>
Pocketts I told him that I did not no of Any Money that was kept<lb></lb>
Any where in the House but What was in the Money Draw in ye. Shop<lb></lb>
and what My Mastr. and Mists: Caried in there pockets he<lb></lb>
very Often and at Other times frequently presed me To Leave<lb></lb>
Open My Masters. Chamber door that he might Look on the<lb></lb>
Tankard and that on Munday ye. 19th. June 1749 he very mutch<lb></lb>
Pressed me to Leave Open the Chamber Door<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Saying to me that I was very Bare in Cloaths, and that I had<lb></lb>
but one gown to my back and if I Would but Doo as he would<lb></lb>
have me he would give me some money to buy me some Cloaths<lb></lb>
he then Oferd me three gineas to buy me some Cloaths, and with<lb></lb>
a Great Deale of Perswaisssions I Did take the Money and<lb></lb>
then he Perswaieded me as I had been told that one of my<lb></lb>
Guardians was dead to go and buy<del>and</del>
a Black Hankercheife<lb></lb>
and a gown and a Pr. Stays and Gloves and Capps. and a Cloak with a<lb></lb>
Black fann so that I Might Apear as one in Mourning for<lb></lb>
the Death of my Guardian in Order to Blind my Master and<lb></lb>
Mists, that they Might not to how I Came by the Things<lb></lb>
And he Ordered me that if my Master and Mists. Asked me<lb></lb>
how I Came by theese things. to Say to Them</p>

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