Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503790013

Image 13 of 9618th July 1747


The King agst. Willm. Clarke< no role > on the Prosecution of Mary< no role >
the Wife of Robt. Dorrell< no role > for making an Assault with an
Intent to Ravish her

Mrs. Mary Dorrell< no role > Wife of Robt. Dorrell< no role >

Take Notice that I will appear at this present Session
of Oyer and Terminer to be holden by Adjournmt. at Hicks Hall in St.
John Street in & for the County of Middx on Saturday next being the
18th. day of July Instant at ten of the Clock in the forenoon & then & there will
Plead the Act of Parliament Intitled And Act for the Kings most gracious
general & free pardon At which time you may Attend (if you think fit)
in order to receive such Costs as the Court shall award to be paid by me to you
in respect of the Charges of such prosecution Dated

William Clarke< no role >

July 17th. 1747

To Mrs. Mary Dorrell< no role > Wife of Robert Dorrell< no role > the Prosecutrix
in this Cause

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