<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50362PS503620119"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS503620119"></xptr>
<p n="329">Sr.</p>
<p n="330">Being requested by the daughter of<lb></lb>
Mrs Nichols to write Loyon in behalf of her<lb></lb>
Mother Inquire yor the trouble of this on that<lb></lb>
occation And as far as I can discover the<lb></lb>
is very willing to go abroad in case it will<lb></lb>
be permitted in her of other punishmt<lb></lb>
should the speial Verdict turn out in her<lb></lb>
disfavour I think the poor girl a great<lb></lb>
Object of Compassion & hope her<obscured></obscured>
& future well being till induce the City.<lb></lb>
to think of some method of preserving the<lb></lb>
Child as well as punishing the parent<lb></lb>
I had the Daughter hath been wth you & the<lb></lb>
aprss. great oblyatins for ye tenderness & can<lb></lb>
passion to her. & I think it may be effected<lb></lb>
by letting the Verdict go generally & reserve<lb></lb>
the judgmt to be given in case she shall<lb></lb>
return the judgmt in this offence is so terrible<lb></lb>
that it is<obscured></obscured>
then hanging & I think verily<lb></lb>
by this means she will never serfoot in England<lb></lb>
<p n="331">To compleat this y<obscured></obscured>
have nothing more to do than At<lb></lb>
he agree to go to wt put<obscured></obscured>
World the chuses. win I am<lb></lb>
apt to think the would instandly put in practice<lb></lb>
rather than run the hazard of future prosecutins & a<lb></lb>
long complinemt. during the pendeny of the ptsent affair</p>
<p n="332">I am<obscured></obscured>
<p n="333">ye most htr Sevt<lb></lb>
W: Hayward.</p>
<p n="334">Tuesday Evening. <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50362_date90">2 o March 1741</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50362_date90" type="date" value="17420302"></interp>
<p n="335"> <obscured></obscured>
y the<obscured></obscured>
ye Line</p>

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