<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50322PS503220066"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS503220066"></xptr>
<p n="337">Calender of Recogn april Session 1737</p>
<p n="338">Abenaker Susan <del>4</del>
Artis William 9<lb></lb>
Aldege Tho: 19<lb></lb>
Adams Tho: 132<lb></lb>
Allen Sarah 138<lb></lb>
Ainger Christian 192<lb></lb>
Andrews George 72<lb></lb>
Austin Wm. 142</p>
<p n="339">Barber John i<lb></lb>
Beesley Rachel 39: 40:<lb></lb>
Beaver Ann 7<lb></lb>
Beaven Tho: 8<lb></lb>
Broughton John 11<lb></lb>
Black Barth: 23<lb></lb>
Bennet John 28<lb></lb>
Bartlet John 31<lb></lb>
Bell John 35<lb></lb>
Borboult David 38<lb></lb>
Bossell James 58<lb></lb>
Bunney Tho: 60<lb></lb>
Bullock Mary 66</p>
<p n="340">Birch Richard<lb></lb>
Birch Mary}<lb></lb>
<p n="341">Badman Joseph 74<lb></lb>
Barlow Edward 76<lb></lb>
Brotherton Joseph 94<lb></lb>
Burton Mary 95<lb></lb>
Butler Hannah<obscured></obscured>
<p n="342">Chitham John<lb></lb>
Chitham Ann}<lb></lb>
<p n="343">Collier John c<lb></lb>
Cushee Ann c</p>
<p n="344">Corinsh John<lb></lb>
Cornish Muason}<lb></lb>
<p n="345">Clements Tho:10<lb></lb>
Carpenter Hugh 26<lb></lb>
Camon William 41<lb></lb>
Cooper Ann 43<lb></lb>
Cornwallis Richd. 44<lb></lb>
Crast John 52</p>
<p n="346">Collon Patrick<lb></lb>
Collon Cath:}<lb></lb>
<p n="347">Cowper Wm. 101<lb></lb>
Clouds John 102<lb></lb>
Cook Wm. & Mary 114<lb></lb>
Cook Kath: 117<lb></lb>
Cade Richard 121<lb></lb>
Cantee John 127: 130<lb></lb>
Cantee Susanna 130<lb></lb>
Cornish John 136<lb></lb>
Cornish Sarah 138<lb></lb>
Chatterton Richard 139<lb></lb>
Crompton Cath: 141<lb></lb>
Cooper James 155<lb></lb>
Castle Edwd. & Sarah 157<lb></lb>
Carter Mary 164<lb></lb>
Carter Daniel 183<lb></lb>
Cursey Daniel 183<lb></lb>
Cook Francis 200<lb></lb>
Cowin Eliz: 208<lb></lb>
Cumberlidge Hannah 210</p>
<p n="348">Cane <rs type="persName" id="LMSMPS50322_n348-1">Mary<lb></lb>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50322_n348-1" type="given" value="Mary"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50322_n348-1" type="surname" value="Cave"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50322_n348-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
<p n="349">Couner Kath: 225<lb></lb>
Coomer Richard 73<lb></lb>
Carney Bryan 244<lb></lb>
Calverack Rebecca 248</p>
<p n="350">Freeman Robecca 1<lb></lb>
Friday Eliz: 46<lb></lb>
Farrill Cath: 163<lb></lb>
Flindell Steven 177<lb></lb>
Fuller Mary 19<lb></lb>
Fitzgerreld Kath: 222: 225<lb></lb>
Folgam Maria 48</p>
<p n="351">Griffin hoofe Abr: d: e<lb></lb>
Gaines Hen: 3<lb></lb>
Gee Eliz: or Cath: 5<lb></lb>
Gray Tho: 21</p>
<p n="352">Grout Isaac<lb></lb>
Grout Sara}<lb></lb>
<p n="353">Gregory Robert 104<lb></lb>
Geo Michael 109<lb></lb>
Garnett William 111<lb></lb>
Garnett Martha 128<lb></lb>
Gruff Samuel 155<lb></lb>
Gibson Mary 203<lb></lb>
Green Petr 209</p>
<p n="354">Harris Susanna c</p>
<p n="355">Jovet Benj: r<lb></lb>
Inhitants of Twichkenham s<lb></lb>
Jones Nathaniel Esqr. t<lb></lb>
Jones Eliz: 22:33<lb></lb>
Johnston Mary 29<lb></lb>
Jones John 107<lb></lb>
James Luke 107<lb></lb>
Izzard Abr: 204<lb></lb>
Jones Samuel 229</p>
<p n="356">King Mary 79: 152<lb></lb>
King Elias 80<lb></lb>
Knowles Wm. 144<lb></lb>
King John 145<lb></lb>
Kershaw Richard 166<lb></lb>
Kitchin John 174<lb></lb>
Kinner Tho: 251</p>
<p n="357">Merrick Joseph k<lb></lb>
Martin Hen: p<lb></lb>
Martin Robert p<lb></lb>
Mansfeild Mary 6<lb></lb>
Mould Ann 13<lb></lb>
Mearns James 17<lb></lb>
Memurroch Patrick 20<lb></lb>
Minikin Barbara 32<lb></lb>
Mostyn John 45<lb></lb>
Maggeson Mary 49</p>
<p n="358">Mason Jane<lb></lb>
Mason Martha}<lb></lb>
<p n="359">May Phillis 115<lb></lb>
Mills John 125<lb></lb>
Meakins Wm. 131<lb></lb>
Miles Mary 167<lb></lb>
Mickelfield Wm. 185<lb></lb>
Matthews Tho: 201<lb></lb>
Mills Bridget 226<lb></lb>
Matthews Cornelius 236<lb></lb>
Arnand 85<lb></lb>
Mane William 89</p>
<p n="360">Nicholls Gabriel 50<lb></lb>
North Francis 172</p>
<p n="361">Newman Johanna}<lb></lb>
<p n="362">Odley Eliz: 46<lb></lb>
Ohairo Arthur 83: 84: 86<lb></lb>
Ostin Wm. 142<lb></lb>
Oakes Hen<obscured></obscured>

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