<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50257PS502570009"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502570009"></xptr>
<p n="68">£. s. d.</p>
<p n="69">A proper pulpit and reading desk for the chaplain and clerk, of 1½ inch deal<lb></lb>
framed flush, with the seats and other necessaries.}<lb></lb>
12 12 -</p>
<p n="70">Whole deal shelves and enclosure in kitchen 10 feet long1 1 -<lb></lb>
Spit racks and a shelf over kitchen chimney- 10 "</p>
<p n="71">A 4 inch elm table in middle of kitchen 5 feet square, on strong oak framed<lb></lb>
rails and legs.}<lb></lb>
2 15 "</p>
<p n="72">Step ladders from the side doors, in 2 pair of stairs into the engine rooms each at- 15<lb></lb>
Oak doorcases to infirmary ground floor.each at1 2 "</p>
<p n="73">Moulds framed to inverted arches 4 feet 6 inches diameter to one wing and<lb></lb>
one arcadeeach at}- 12 "</p>
<p n="74">Ditto to inverted arches to internal walls in ditto abouts 3 feet 6 inches dia-<lb></lb>
metereach at}- 9 "</p>
<p n="75">Ditto to appertures in keepers passages 2 feet diameter4<lb></lb>
Ditto to backs of necessaries and for perpendicular apperture2 2<lb></lb>
Ditto to inverted part of 4 feet dreins and 2 feet 6 inch dreins1 10</p>
<p n="76">A horse center 10 feet long to the two feet 6 inch dreins, one ditto to the<lb></lb>
4 feet, and one ditto to the 5 feet dreins}<lb></lb>
4 14 -</p>
<p n="77">Putting on,- 6 "<lb></lb>
Iron rimbed locks to doors1 3<lb></lb>
Mortice locks- 1 3<lb></lb>
Ditto with swevil bar to gates in south court- 5 "<lb></lb>
Ditto with rack bolts to great gateseach at- 7 6<lb></lb>
Latches to shutterseach at- - 6</p>
<p n="78">For shores, braces, and tyes, to be fixed where necessary during the raising of<lb></lb>
the building}<lb></lb>
50 - -</p>
<p n="79">For fences, hoards, and implements for Setting<obscured></obscured>
uilding50 - -</p>
<p n="80">PLAISTERER</p>
<p n="81">Superficial of render fet and whited to walls of govenor's house at per yard.</p>
<p n="82">Lath and plaister set and whited to the cielings of chapel, infirmary, govern-<lb></lb>
or's house, of the lodge, the engine roo<obscured></obscured>
keper's rooms in the courts,<lb></lb>
the laths to be the best bears of Sir not<obscured></obscured>
quarter of an inch thick<obscured></obscured>
nailed with 4d. nailsat per ditto.}</p>
<p n="83">Ditto circular to cove Etc. in chapelat per ditto.</p>
<p n="84">Floated stucco on brick coloured, to front parlours governor's house,<lb></lb>
and surgeon's room, infirmaryat per ditto.}</p>
<p n="85">Lime</p>
<p n="86">P Sanders</p>

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