<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50248PS502480068"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502480068"></xptr>
<p n="280">Wandring abroad & lodging in Alehouses Barnes<lb></lb>
Outhouses or in the open Air not giving<lb></lb>
A good Accots of themselves</p>
<p n="281">Wandring abroad & beggg. pretending to be Soldiers<lb></lb>
Marinders seafaring Men or pretending<lb></lb>
to go to work in harvest &<lb></lb>
All other persons wandring abroad & begging<lb></lb>
Rogues & Vagabonds</p>
<p n="282">Proviso for discharged Soldiers & Seamen & persons<lb></lb>
going to work in harvest havg Minister & Cties<lb></lb>
Certif Etc.</p>
<p n="283"> <obscured></obscured>
4 End Gatherers agt. 13. Geo.1.<lb></lb>
persons Apprehended as Rogues & Vagabonds<lb></lb>
& escaped, or refusing to go before Mag.<lb></lb>
or to be examd. before Justice on refusing to<lb></lb>
be conveyd by pass. or knowingly give<lb></lb>
false accots of themselves on Examt.<lb></lb>
after warning given them of their punishmt<lb></lb>
Rogues & Vagabonds who shall be Ho Corr &<lb></lb>
Rogues & Vags prmd & dd who shall again<lb></lb>
comit any of the sd Offences.</p>
<p n="284">Incorrigible Rogues.</p>
<p n="285"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">5.</note>
Any may Apprehend & Convey before Justice<lb></lb>
Constable & refuse or neglect to use his best<lb></lb>
endeavours to Apprehend or convey Deemed neglect<lb></lb>
of Duty<lb></lb>
any person charged by Justice to Apprehend &<lb></lb>
refusg. convd. on View on Oath 10s. to poor<lb></lb>
by distress & sale.</p>

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