<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50222PS502220084"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502220084"></xptr>
<p n="398">Shoreditch 3 Divisions cast up their accots & make rates separately<lb></lb>
pd but 3d pd formly, now 4d. Church End & Hogsdon<lb></lb>
all Alleys towd no Cark<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
can come carry our their Dirt in<lb></lb>
<p n="399">Poors Rates all<del>&<obscured></obscured>
Scavenger's Rate</del>
entire for sd parish - no Rate for ye Highway<lb></lb>
Surveyrs make a Collection from House to House through<lb></lb>
the whole parish</p>
<p n="400">Holywell has more Highways<lb></lb>
the other 2 Divisions more pavemts<lb></lb>
Scavengers chosen Sepately</p>
<p n="401">Scavengers chose in ye same Nestry & ye same day, all Inhitants<lb></lb>
have a right<del> <obscured></obscured>
to chose Scavengers, but each Libty Choses<lb></lb>
its own Scavengers, & one Libty never interfers wth ye other</p>
<p n="402">Mr Crosly an Inhitant in Holliwell libty 21 yrs they rever interfered - The<lb></lb>
Overseers Etc Ch. Ward chose & Genality, Scavengers for Holywell<lb></lb>
Chose ye day before - Moor fields & Hogsdon formly one Libty</p>

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