<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50208PS502080088"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502080088"></xptr>
<p n="334">informing the Court of their proceedings they found it necessary<lb></lb>
to adjourn their meetings till he should be able to attend them again<lb></lb>
But in regard by an act made in the twelfth year of the Reign of<lb></lb>
Queen Anne and other precedent acts no trophy Money can be raise<lb></lb>
untill the accounts of the last year have been examined and certified <lb></lb>
audit may be necessary to raise more to enable the Militia to marsh<lb></lb>
in case their should be occasion for their so doing in this time of Danger <lb></lb>
your Committee (who have the security of his Maty and his Governmt<lb></lb>
(most sincerely at heart) thought it became them to lay before you<lb></lb>
what has occurr'd to them (imperfect as it is) rather than by any<lb></lb>
delay of theirs to give on their part any the least occasion of complaint</p>
<p n="335">As to the first part of their instructions to enquire what sums<lb></lb>
have been raised your Committee beg leave to observe that it appears<lb></lb>
to them that the Sum to be raised by Law upon the whole County in<lb></lb>
one year is £368:15:2: That the Board of Lieutenancy do as the<lb></lb>
see convenient issue their warrants to certain persons in each<lb></lb>
parish to assess upon the inhabitants in their several parishes their<lb></lb>
ratable proportion of the said Sum according to the annext rate,<obscured></obscured>
Books of which assessment fairly written exactly cast up and sign'd<lb></lb>
by the said assessors together with the names of two or more fit<lb></lb>
persons to be Collectors thereof they are to bring unto them at their<lb></lb>
Board, That upon receipt of these warrants the said assessord do<lb></lb>
arbitrarily assess great Sums of money (in some parishes more than<lb></lb>
double what the warrants do require) and do carry back two boots<lb></lb>
of such their unwarrantable assessments to the Board of <lb></lb>
Lieutenancy not cast up the better to deceive to one of which Books<lb></lb>
the Board of Lieutenancy without directing the same to be cast up<lb></lb>
cause warrants under the<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
hands and Seals of three or more of them<lb></lb>
to be annexed by pinning only (whereby it is in the power of the<lb></lb>
Collectors to annex them to any other books they shall think fit) and<lb></lb>
by such warrants do require and command the Collectors speedily to<lb></lb>
collect and gather the several Sums of money taxed and set upon<lb></lb>
every person within written, thereby establishing the inequity of the<lb></lb>
assessors as it were by Law, As by the annext blank warrants may<lb></lb>
appear; Your Committee upon this occasion thought it necessary to<lb></lb>
sumon before them the several assessors and Collectors to examine<lb></lb>
them upon the promises. But in regard their meetings were in time</p>

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