<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50208PS502080079"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502080079"></xptr>
<p n="315">We think likewise the manner of making up the are<lb></lb>
of Trophy money for our allowance very irregular<lb></lb>
where the Treasurer is made Debtor (not as he ought to<lb></lb>
be for so much as he has actually reced<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
but) for the<lb></lb>
whole rate when the same Shall be reced so that<lb></lb>
whatever Ballance appears is by him said to be out<lb></lb>
in arrears & neither the Board of Lieutenancy nor we cann<lb></lb>
ever know when money is or is not in his hands and<lb></lb>
Consequently whether it be or be not reasonable to raise<lb></lb>
more The act of Parliament made 13th & 14th. Car:<lb></lb>
2 Cap: 9 Sect. 12 has prscribed another method<lb></lb>
for his accompling vizt. that he shall accompt att the<obscured></obscured>
Board every Six Months upon Oath and one Duplicate<lb></lb>
of the accot. to be Sent to us & another to the privy<lb></lb>
Councell, But the Board of Lieutenancy has not yett<lb></lb>
thought fit to persue it wch. Made it necessary for <lb></lb>
us to Order that it Should be used for time to come<lb></lb>
& that a Duplicate of the accot. to be allowed by us<lb></lb>
be transmitted at the Same time with the <lb></lb>
accompt it self.</p>

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